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This is something I did just kind of for myself. Lol the suggestion for this story arc didn't include anything about introducing a "nice" alien, but I thought it would be a fun little thing that could be potentially really fun, or at least it could lead to some drama.

Now that we've established everything from the winning poll earlier, we're going to start accepting ideas again. As before, you can give suggestions for pretty much whatever length you want. At this point I'd really prefer not to introduce any new characters, since I feel like we have more than enough to tell a pretty solid story. 

So we have the "Survivor" group, who are about to be found by the "Hunters" group. Meanwhile, the "Nest" group are the women being kept in the breeding nest, and of course there's Lisette and the Queen Alien, who are kind of off on their own.




Awww that is cute I still don't know kat sister name is LOL


For the first suggestion Page1: While Cassandra and Kat are arguing they notice the lights are out , Kit then tells Kit to get out of the area because the doors are electronic lock which will free Anastasia and the other woman. Page2: We see Kit in horror trying to open the door to get out of the area put it's stuck, she tries to climb up to the top air vent to escape as she hears the door where her mother is lock up open. ................... Second Suggestion The purple alien tells the pink that "mother put her in charge of her to capture, control, and a impregnate her very own meat slave . You always being the fuck up of the family isn't helping , you got one simple job to do in order to good graces with mother so she ordered me to help. Now I want you want you to climb up those air vents so you can tell me where are those sluts are hiding". Page2: We see the Pink alien crawl in the vents looking for a meat slut, as she keeps searching she see Kit just below her looking at Anastasia and the alien woman through the window. As the pink alien tends to move she hears a crack then falls from the vent in the same room with Kit.


My suggestion: back to Kit room. She sees Anastasia making Jenna cum, then this one kneels and Anastasia cum on her face, so taming her. From another videocam, Kit sees the alien queen collecting Lisette's cum , using a fucking/sucking machine, and she hears the queen saying: "You are very dangerous, little one. I must study you more". Kit tells everything to the other girls, so another discussion arises: Kat wants to go to save her mother Anastasia and the other girls, taking advantage by the queen's absence; Nina wants to try to free Lisette, because she is the key to defeat the queen; Kassandra just wants to leave the station, saying that K and N are crazy, so she opens the door (she wants to reach an escaping pod) and...a shot of cum hits her face: the Moonlily's crew has spotted them... :)


Page 1: Nina rushes to the observation room, when she enters she finds Kit laying on the floor naked, furiously masturbating as she watches her mom dominate the other crew members. Page 2: we see the purple alien and the pink alien rounding a corner, there they see the lily crew fucking each other, even though they where told to search for the survivors. the aliens scream and yell at them just as the crew members start to cum all over each other.


Suggestion 1) Going back to Kit we see that she is doing little to hide her arousal at watching her mother cum excessively in Jenna and then immediately move on to another crew member. While Kit is watching, one of the juvenile aliens leads Jackie, who breasts are now so large she is hardly able to move on her own over to Anastasia. The alien orders Jackie to "feed the alpha-meat". Jackie complies, spraying milk all over Anastasia and the crew member she is currently fucking. Suggestion 2) The Alien Queen has milk pumps attached to Lisette's nipples and cock which are all releasing, filling a clear tank. The Queen takes a drink from the tank and immediately it's cock and nipples swell slightly and begin to ooze. The Queen is clearly aroused, and comments that Lisette's fluids make her stronger than anything she has ever had before... yet at the same time has proven to be a great inconvenience to her control over her slaves... The Queen then pulls out a syringe with an unknown substance and injects it into it's own cock, saying that once she finds out a way for Lisette to truly be brought under her control she will be unstoppable. The Queen then yanks the pumps off of Lisette allowing her milk and cum to spray all over the both of them as the Queen plunges her cock into Lisette's pussy.


Just a quick kind of mention of something... there is no need for the whole "Page 1" "Page 2" stuff, the point of doing the vote in multiple pages is to better pace the ideas and suggestions going "Page 1, Page 2" is detrimental to the purpose of the new set up.... just suggest what you want to happen and let TDDS decide how many pages the idea needs etc. My suggestion is going to leave a lot of interpration up to TDDS but I want to actually focus on the orange "Bianca" alien more, so how about Orange says that she is going to go with them anyway, she comes up with an excuse to do so, something like "well I will go and make sure everything goes as it should, if something did happen then we would not know" The "Meat Slut Squad" turn the corner to find a group of the crew, only they are leaving the armory seeing the "MSS" they open fire hitting Daphnes glans making her cum so hard she collapses, realizing that this could be a method of dealing with the "zombies" even if only temporarily they send A Messenger, crew member Hannah only the other two members of the "MSS" are already upon the group. Seperated Hannah runs only to be pounced upon by Orange. She says something to the effect of "I like you, your pretty" I want meat of my own engauging in some hardcore "bonding" Oranges not quite ready to completely wipe her "Meat Sluts" minds her session has a milder effect and endears Hannah to her, prefering this she seeks out Lisette against the Queens wishes (Lisette is to dangerous) claiming she disagrees with the Queen and wants to help ( only that is not her true motervation she wants to free then so she can have the "Meat" all to herself the way she like it. Cue the Queens shadow creeping up from the background... cue next vote ;p


Good to know. I just kind of went along with it thinking that everyone else knew something I didn't. But I edited by suggestions to better match the intended purpose.