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So after coming up with this character I had to think about what would set Jenna off enough to get her to punish this woman. When I first thought of the idea the plan was just to get back at her for being so mean, but I was a bit worried that wouldn't really make sense for Jenna's personality... the woman needed to do something that specifically gets under Jenna's skin. So that's when I realized that one of Jenna's most prominent features is her motherly nature lol even if her particular brand of love for her daughter is... less than conventional.

Also, I just kind of had Jenna flop her dick on the table because I felt like there just hasn't been any sex for too many pages.

We're still taking votes for our upcoming short story! The plan is, once I start working on it, I'll be working every other day on the pages for that comic between pages of BCC.



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