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I had to change the option a bit from the prompt for the vote, since there were simply too many details to comfortably fit into one page.  I hate to make changes to the winning votes, but sometimes there's just no way to add all the details without making the pages cluttered and ugly. I'm not sure the best way to limit patron suggestions in that way other than to try and say something sooner if I feel like a suggestion is too long or in depth to do in one page. I've done that before on some suggestions that were very clearly too long for one page, but now I think I'll try and say something for any page that I feel like I couldn't handle based on the suggestion.




I remember asking you way back on that on keeping it short a bit because I know those panels cant fit that much, but hey you let us know.


Well for the first suggestion starts with Bianca using her magic that harm Sindra which backs her to a corner where Sindra shoots a loud from her cock which hits Bianca in the face and fly away. ............My second suggestion starts after Sindra gets hit by Bianca magic attack, Sindra turns around realizing who it was then dick slap Bianca with her cock which knocks her out. Then Sindra carry Bianca and the jewel lily drop then fly away. .........................My Third suggestion starts off Sindra getting knock down by Bianca magic attack which Sindra drop Lily. Sindra turn around and see Bianca doing a summoning spell which she summon a magic spike cock that rival Sindra which begins a cock sword fight.


Some quick suggestions hopefully before the polls go up Anastasia is performing the Ritual during which she sees a Flash happen below in the far distance, thinking something is wrong her suspicions are confirmed when the energy streams powering the ritual stop leaving the crews fates a mystery (possibly something different per girl...maybe playing on the different cock types but that is a future page), as Anastasia rushes to check on the Jewel just to see Eve and Aqua Vert Escaping jewel in hand. or Sindra is taken aback as her cock becomes flaccid bathed in the light Bianca's spell is emitting. Realizing the spell is actually a calming spell used to eliminate Libido the source of her power Sindra quickly tries to arouse Lily to ward off its effects. But Sindra is weakened enough for Lily to struggle free leaving Sindra at a disadvantage... Edit: return strikes again...