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Designing the monster girls was a lot of fun. The first girl to really get designed was the demoness... After the latest early access pages of BCC I decided it would be fun to give her some nice toned muscles. From that I kind of designed the other two girls around that... The wood nymph is smaller and more spritely, and the slime girl's default form is plump and full. A nice variety in body types that should make for some interesting scenes in the future. I also thought it would make sense to give each girl a specialty, with the demon as the muscle, the nymph on crowd control, and the slime girl on stealth duty. For her little hyroglyph I thought it would make sense that the Foo-Tah draw her as just a non-descript blob. The nymph, though, was a little tricky to come up with a proper hyroglyph... ironically she kind of has the most complex design, but it also means that she has a lot of little details that wouldn't work in that style.

It wasn't in the original suggestion, but I chose to add the line at the end about Lily wanting to reconnect with her crew... I figured the story would progress a little better if we pushed for a reason for everyone to reconnect and work together on a common goal. There's a lot of different options for what could happen next... whether we want to look at all the little steps or if it would be better to jump ahead a ways. We could continue with Lily easily, or check in on her crew to see how they're getting along with the Nah-Ri, or we could even check in on the monster girls.

Speaking of the monster girls, there are still a lot of decisions to be made about them. I deliberately made the demon into a futa... partly so I could just draw the little demon hyroglyph with a massive horse cock. But what about the nymph? I kind of made a point of covering her crotch with her costume design just so we could decide whether or not she's also a futa. For the slime girl I figure it's a moot point, since she's a shapeshifter anyway, so whether or not she has a cock is just a matter of choice. Are there any suggestions as far as names for the monster girls? And what do you think their personalities should be like... should they be evil? Or just misunderstood? Are they trying to take over the island? Or destroy it? Or maybe they're just trying to escape. This page feels like it's a real jumping off point... I think it's basically the first page that really sets up a clear goal and a challenge to be faced.




OK here I go I got a lot to say LOL I really the design you did with the demon character, as for Nymph which I take it is a elf nymph right is a really good design also, same goes for the slime girl. As for the story we can make it to Lily has to prove herself by becoming one of the Foo-tah clan members by going through a interesting ritual or we can focus on her crew members which seems like they are interrupting Anastasia breeding time which could be high offense to there leader where one of them has to make graces to there leader ;) For the monster girls we can make them evil if you want or they where a product of being evil because of the betrayal of Bianca and Anastasia. Each monster girl has there own desires, goals, and wants to rule there own set of land in the island. For example: Demon girl Name: Leilah, Zarah, Nyx, Alexandra (Alex for short), or Yuri. Personality: Is a straight up alpha type that would fuck anything that moves and will impregnate anyone she seems worthy of taking her seed. She loves to show off and use her power on others, she may seem like a simple brute but few know her as being very cunning and manipulative. She will do anything to achieve her goal and don't often hold loyalty to anyone unless they are interesting to her. She typical lone wolf that does what ever she wants but is willing to work team if it suites her needs. Goals, body type and abilities: The Demon girl is one of the strongest beings in the whole island. Her cock some would say is hard like steel which carry heavy burden because her balls is big or if bigger then Bianca's. She loves to challenge others in a fight and loves to use her cock as a weapon, she loves to mount her victims doggystlye after a good victory. Her strength rivals no other other she can take on multiple enemies but prefer to fight one on one. Her balls which carry a burden also fuels her power, she use a special like black bra that holds her balls up and in place which keeps her from releasing her full power. But she takes that black bra off which holds her balls up she becomes in a lusting beast to anyone around her. She is a enemy that Bianca and Anastasia fear most because of her raw power. Her goal to become the Harem Queen of her kingdom breeding more and more of her servants to further her cause she wants to rule the whole island and get back the who betrayed her, so she is eager to deal with Bianca and Anastasia compare to the other two monster leaders.


Nymph girl name: Jennifer, Gina, Sofiya, Sirena, or Isabella Personality: The Nymph is a character that has a lot of wisdom, grace and pride she is the brains of the group. Loves to do experiments and often curious about her the people she run into, she sometimes is a klutz and often likes to push her limits because of her pride. Goals, body type and abilities: She has A really huge ass for a Nymph which by the look alone makes many dicks hard. She is the embodyment lust to others because of her pheromones she releases which attract many of her victims to her where she likes to do her experiments. She has the power to control her vines and have the power to use a vine tentacle cock that can extend and wiggle around. Her breast milk and cum has a unique honey taste that if you taste it effects the body different for each person which uses to experiment on different people to see the results.


Slime girl name: Diana, Rebecca, Penelope, Naomi, Mimi, or Zoey Personality: Out of the other two her personality is different she tends to be in the moment then rest of them she is more of the odd ball of the group. She is really ditzy, goofy, and really playful then the rest of them. She is a trickster loves to pull pranks, tell funny jokes, and sexually likes to feel on the girls she likes. She tends to be really moody when things dont go her way but tends to be loyal to her peers. Goals, body type and abilities: Her body type is unknown to most because she often changes to suit her needs. One of her abilities is changing her size and size to any way she wants. She is a perfect shapeshifter but has few minor problems to tell apart from her and the real one like her personality for example. Another ability she can is possessed any person she comes in contact with by entering any hole through there body ;) As for her goal I will let you guys to decide on that one because I wrote so much and interested at listening to your ideas LOL


3 very, very interesting monster girls :) Here are my suggestions: About names: - Demoness: Luxurika - Nymph: Drusilla - Slime Girl: Azurith Common powers of all the monster girls: if they have sex long enough with anyone, they can mind control them (except if an individual has an innate resistance...like Lily maybe? ^^). Moreover they can communicate telepathically with each other. About the story (for the next page and more :p): we see that the 3 monster girls (MG) have managed to sneak into Anastasia's room and are having sex with her, until she passes out due to excessive orgasms. At this point they hide/kidnap the unconscious queen (the demoness has a superhuman strength, so she might easily carry Anastasia away) and the slime girl takes her form (that is, Anastasia's one), while the other 2 flee to the jungle (to their former lair maybe?). So when the crew and Kat arrive, it's actually the slime girl they talk to and eventually have sex with. In the meantime, to avoid panic in the tribe(s), Bianca, Jenna and Lily decide they'll reveal the MG escape only to Anastasia first, so they head to the Nah-Ri camp. When they arrive, they interrupt the fake Anastasia before she managed to fully control Lily's crew, but the MG takes the chance to lure everyone into an ambush (mentally communicating with the other 2), talking about an hidden artifact in the jungle (while instead, ofc, the demoness and the nymph will be waiting in the shadows... ^___^).

Quinn Adlard

i think the elf should stay cockless. the demon could be like a succubus to so she could have the ability to have a cock, or not. just might be fun for her to not have a cock when they actually meet her, and then her to surprise them. or not just could be fun. could just always have a dick i'm cool either way. i like the slime girl having no dick by default, but she can make one when she wants. i like lilith for the demon. its a reference. i think it fits with this well. for the elf i think...hmm Titania. i know shes the fairy queen but i like it. close enough the slime....um....inque. still not sure what to do with this one lol. as for personalities. i think the demon should be a little more hands on. the more rough one. her answer to things is more smash than talk. but maybe with a playfull side to her. like a dominatrix type thing. the slime one very playfull and kind of care free. maybe not one not as seriouse as the others. her solutions to things would be to be less involved. be sneaky about it. watch (might come off as lazyness lol) the elf i think she come off as a little more in charge than the other 2. shes the one that focuses them all. comes up with the plane. ...hmm they do sound a little like the crystal gems...meh. should they be evil? depends...lets say we go with the 2 leaders come her. the monster welcome them and they get dicks and immortality. ( i personally like that they got immortality from doing the monsters so much more than the other girls. and dicks from sacred fruit. i just think we can do alot with the fruit.) then some more woman show up (ship wrecked) get dicks to and they all start doing it with each others. the monster girls start getting left out and a division happens. ...now tensions are high and friendships are strained. if there was some misunderstanding that set off the war then it might be able to be fixed later. so the misunderstanding occurs. then the war. the one leader blames the dicks or he war and shuns them. the other accept it as a memento of the good times and they divide into the uneasy truce. this happens. and after weakening the monster girls they could talk. before sealing them away. ans they realise what actually happened. and maybe work it out and everybody could get along again. then they celebrate with that dick fighting competition. right now the monster girls are angry and hurt. really pissed off. just my idea tho. well part i know other people came up with parts idk who. tried to mix them up. based on how the story has come along so fare. as for the next page we could get back to the other tribe. i suppose we should sort them out before. moving that fare into the story maybe the other leader can explane more about there history. ok so they where walking into the curtain thing. so there a bit more secretive. so maybe there met with guards and kat says like no look no dicks. and they say we must show them to the chief...is chief a male term?..and they bring them to her then she greats them. also because where in this village. you can use eve or not. if you need some background characters. i know you used the babaes in the other village. sorry thats so long


Hehe...tbh I skipped the name Lilith for the demoness because we already have Lily :)


The name are ok, I really like the Anastasia kidnapping idea with the switch of the Slime girl I can see her creating a lot of chaos if she in control LOL


Wow lots of great ideas already! Although we're getting a lot of world building I'm interested in seeing more ideas for what should specifically happen with the next page.


Hey you got to love world building LOL That is one my favorite segments in making a plot, as for scenes in a panel i think up some stuff but there isn't a lot you can put or say in a panel. Some of the stuff I said can make up more then two panels LOL

John Doe

Achtung, wall of text incoming. First of all, I love the design of that slimy one. That gooey butt is fucking glorious. Now, maybe the three monster-girls could be the original goddesses who created futa-life on this specific island. Like, a sexy holy trinity. The slimy one could be the one who sculpted her future "children" out of her own primordial goo, like Prometheus (the Titan, not the shitty movie) did with clay. The one with the horsecock could be the one who provided the semen and futa genes, to give them life and a big ol' dong. And the nymph gave them a nice place to crash (raised the island from the ocean) with plants / animals to eat, like a Gaia figure. Then, they decide to live among their children and to have some big orgies with them from time to time, like any responsible parent would do. Living among their creations for so long makes the goddesses lazy, weak and more "human" in a way. Thus, they gradually lose a major part of their godlike creation powers and some of their more ungrateful and unruly children start to see that as an exploitable flaw, realizing that they could easily take over the island if they banded together against the trinity. At first, the other futas don't want to march against their creators, but the rebels managed to convince them that the goddesses have become a liability and prevent them from doing their own thang (like Lucifer did, when he tried to tell his dad to suck a fat one). They fight, the "kids" win and trap their "parents" inside some magical gem for eternity (like the Titans banished in Tartaros by Zeus). The usual. Time passes and the original reason for fighting the creators turned into a lie the futas kept telling themselves to feel justified. "Us or them" mentality. So, the new generations don't know the truth, because they were never told what really happened by the elders. They think the goddesses were monsters. They became boogeymen in tales and stories. Today, the monster-girls might have become a bit crazy, after centuries of feeling betrayed and not being able to fuck anything anymore, in their tiny-ass prison and they now have cranked up their sex drive to 11 (like the Circle of Nine in Blood Omen), like animals in heat. For example, the becocked demon could be in a constant state of arousal, with a permanent drippy erection and a musk that drives females mad with lust. She could be very prideful and hard to convince. She'd be the most beast-like, only thinking about sex and cumming over and over. The nymph could be giving life to every piece of nature she can find, gathering an army of tentacle-fuck-plants ready to seed anything that moves. She likes to watch. She could be the easiest one to convince, since she wasn't really part of the original mother/father component and thus doesn't feel as betrayed as the other two. As for the goo-girl, she could be a big fan of unbirthing, always wanting to be "pregnant" or to fill the belly / breasts of anyone else. She's the overly maternal and tender one, because she wants to have her babies back but could play hard to get because she hates rejection. I guess that Lily & co., as a third and dickless neutral party, could be the ones who helps the goddesses snap out of their frenzy and reunite them with the futas. You could have their aspect change a bit, to signify that they are no longer driven by their lust and sadness (their eyes could change color or their skin get a bit lighter). To link that with the other girls' current situation, maybe we could switch to them in the next page and have some quality time with the three crewmates and Anastasia (I'm voting for some scissoring with the chief's dick between that lip-sandwich, while the third girl kisses Anastasia). After that, have Bianca could send a messenger to Anastasia, to tell her about the situation and get some temporary truce, so that Lily can rejoin her friends and they can all go "fight" the monster-girls as a crew. P.S.: I quite like Alinoris' idea of the ol' switcheroo (having the slimy one impersonate someone else) and Quinn's idea of the monster-girls' backstory. Nick, you're vine-cock scenario for the nymph is really cool, too.


Thanks, I like the beginning creator concept of them creating the first female humans in the island. I would did it to where each leader has something personal against the futa tribe especially Anastasia and Bianca. As for the demon girls there qualities are good, I would just made the demon girl more prone to impregnate any girl she comes along her way LOL


Personally I think we should check in with the Monster girls... I think we should skip the whole Monster girl emergence and get straight to showing The Demoness Sindra doing what she does best with a member of the Nah-Ri towards the end of the encounter as to leave room on the page for introductions soo... The comic shifts to a bunch of very satisfied extremely ravaged Nah-Ri hunters, all prone in the still in orgasm pose while having an hour long climax ( the joys of being screwed by a Succubus/Incubus sex demon ). With a silhouette of the demoness in the background still finishing off with the last hunter. Then shift to the Elf Feuille ( leaf in french ;p ) Talking to what looks like herself. ( but is in fact telepathy ) revealing that there could be more to the monstergirl's imprisonment then meets the eye. I was thinking something like the monstergirls originally plan to keep the chieftains as their partners and have children but upon doing so the chieftains would of lost their immortality, Monstergirls are not very fertile so Immortality is given to suitable lovers until they conceive the monstergirls ( more specifically Sindra's and The Slimegirl Aqua Vert's) children. Not trusting themselves to resist the monster girl's especially Sindra whom is pretty much the embodiment of pleasure ( hour long orgasms... in a good way), they decide to keep their immortal life by imprisoning them. This then shifts to the last panel showing Aqua Vert finding the Nah-Ri Village in a super sexy pose informing Feuille telepathically, depending on how much sex was in the previous panels you could have her acting as a Pleasure suit for a Nah-ri coaxing her to reveal the villages location, upon separation the girl don't want her to leave as the sex was the best she ever had.

John Doe

Oh, right, shit. I forgot about the names. Uh, let's see... to stay true to what I said earlier, I'd suggest "Yemoja" for the slime one (according to Wikipedia, it's the name of a mother spirit that watches over pregnant women in African mythology). "Eingana", the name of an Aboriginal goddess who used to have no vagina, for the nymph one (since we don't know what she's packing, maybe she has nothing down there and needs to feel pleasure through her tentacle-plants). And "Mahuika" for the demonic looking one, from the Maori mythology, since it was the name of a fire deity and would fit a demon.