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I've got a business thing I need to take care of today so that's pretty much eating up all my time today, which I was feeling super guilty about. I was afraid I was gonna miss another update, but Rainbow Flyer was happy to help by drawing a pinup. It took us a little while to decide what she should draw, until she settled on the Sphinx, and I agreed that would be the best idea. Initially it was just nude, but she wanted an idea for something interesting to see the Sphinx in, and I suggested either a maid outfit, or a sling bikini. And I think she made the right choice for this character... it makes it a lot more interesting and sexy, I think.



John Doe

"Swimwear" is always the right answer to life's questions.


Nice can't wait to see more of the Sphinx, I am curious does she have a name and does she have any rivals and will we ever get to see in the man story I can see her being a dead beat dad LOL Also what other woman has she impregnated in the past ? ;)


I love it, it actually has an old school Disney feel to me :D