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Ohhhh snap, a mysterious figure appears! Who is this being that appears before Jenna? I'm curious to see everyone's guess... don't worry, we'll find out before too long. Also, we're edging toward $800/month, which brings us even closer to the next major goal of $900/month, and an extra page of Banana Sunday from Rainbow Flyer every week.




Bianca just got a taste of the Power Cosmic :O ;p Big question, if you was Jenna... would you go with the spectral shadow with the giant cock? I mean I am not sure if I would xP.... ahhh who am I kidding I would most likely jump off the balcony like a numpty xD

John Doe

Nice, this reminds me a lot of Luna in the "My Little Pony: That Fucking Title Takes Way Too Long to Type" cartoon. Especially since she appears to be sporting an equine dong.