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Oh man, it is taking longer and longer to keep attaching the previous pages to these, but hopefully it's worth it for all the fans who want to get caught up on the story.

I hope the digital painting background in the first panel looks okay with everything else. I always have trouble with complex backgrounds like that, but I'm gradually learning. I basically stuck very faithfully to my reference photo; I actually started it by simply doing a rough trace over the reference to get the position of everything right, then built it up from there. It's always tricky deciding when to stop on something like that... I could have worked on it for days, since there's always something that needs touching up or adjustment, but I kind of had to force myself to stop when I felt like it was good enough to convey the idea and not just look completely unfinished.

If you recognize the new girls they're actually cameos from the Babes of Dongaria, a sex-comedy post-apocalyptic fantasy adventure story. The author of Dongaria has always been a supporter of Banana Cream Cake, and he agreed to letting me use the Babes to help build up the futa population of Side Dishes. Obviously specific girls recommended by patrons get priority on who is going to appear in the comic, but odds are if a scene calls for a girl in the Foo-Tah tribe and no one requests a specific character I'll probably be using one of the Babes.

So hey, we finally got to one of the village! It just took us about 4 months. I'm kind of nervous about when we get to see the Nah-Ri village... I feel like it would be unfair if they're just in tents... maybe it would be better for them to live in the trees instead, and the tent flap Kat led the girls through is just a ground-level hidden entryway. Kat did seem fairly adept at tree climbing when she first appeared... although at the time I was just playing up her cat-like appearance and personality.

So what do you all think should happen next? Which chief do you want us to meet first? Or should we try to do a split page that shows both? Or do you just want to see the other crew entering the Nah-Ri village? Although there's still the question of the monster tribe on its way... But who knows? One of you probably has a great idea I haven't even considered. Even if you don't have a specific idea for the next panel, you can always post your thoughts on some world building. Do you have a specific character you want to see in the comic in a specific role?




As far as specific characters you mean characters from the original comic right ?


Yeah, unless you have an original character you would like to see, or if you get the permission of a characters creator to have them appear

Quinn Adlard

I KNEW IT!! i knew that was jan and jala!!!! ,....really distracted now. jan always screws up my concentration. love it!!! ... lol i think we should continue here meet this chief, and i thik it would be a funny twist if Hannah was her assistance, because in that chapter. not sure how she would react...they like the penis... oh what if after meeting her she says like oh i see you unfortunately lack a cock, we may have away to restore that, but first let us get to know one another. maybe they have a little feast scene. basic meet and great page. for them and us. are we alowed more than one suggestion a week? cause instead of her meeting the chief jena could be leading her there. but they have to pass threw the entry hall. and here they could show some cave style painting of there history. one that jena could point out is them battling the monster gils in the past. and then them sealing the few away. i liked the idea of three. now the painting would be like crude. but one could be a slime girl the other a classic demon wings and such, and the third like a forest spirit like a nymph type thing. if not we could always have the chief take her to a place like this later. i think having more types of monster girls will add some variety. and i like the idea of the other tribe at least living int the forest. with some tree houses.

Quinn Adlard

oh characters. the only ones from the comic left are amber, trixie, karen, hannah, the doctor, ...and the man from the Popsicle stand. i think hannah should be someones assistant or something. the doctor could be a witch doctor. karen could just be a member of jenas tribe. and trixie and amber can go with kats tribe to even things out and can be given roles if needed. after that we would need to get charcters from somewhere else or make new ones.


Oh sure, there's no limit on how many different ideas one person can submit per update. The only limit is on how many votes you get per day


I really like the painting, I like the two tribes women "going at it" in the middle, as far as what happens next? I am all for the Capt'n meeting Bianca, You could have a almost full/half page of her in all her glory (we honestly don't get enough Bianca..) still that does not progress the story much.. I think if Lily does meet Bianca she should enquire as to the whereabouts of here crew, to which the chief replys only if you show me your "secret pleasures" Jenna told me of, cue sex scene set up. this might be a bit later on (a good few pages) but maybe during extremely vigorous sex Lily drops the gem out of her hat cueing shock and then switching to the monstergirls reveal during an extended explaination.

Quinn Adlard

if we are suggesting or own characters then, eve, but you know tribal style. gold piercings and you can make her junk smaller if its an issue. for kats tribe.


Well if we go off of Nick's idea for two of the most hung women in the tribes to have a "sword fight" then having her as the champion for the Nah-Ri side would make sense.