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As some of you have already guessed, Jenna just couldn't decide between the two of them. I kind of cheated in that first panel with the reflection in Jenna's glasses... it's just art from earlier pages.



John Doe

Always choose both, that's the best motto to live your life. Plus, it's cute to see them compete to get Jenna's favors, and I hope they ultimately cooperate to fully satisfy her.


have a contest which one can hold the most cum in there bellies. take a measurement after each cumshot 2 see whos winning,then have jenna keep cumming into them one after another 2 see which one can take the most belly cum, see how much their bellies can stretch!!!! first one 2 give up loses.


Jenna is like who is ready to throw down LOL

The Digital Demon

let it begin! let it begin! :P also the art on the reflection in Jenna's glasses? top shelf.