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All things considered Lily's surprisingly calm about this.




I see Lily being calm but Karen face in that one panel sure looked mad LOL


I did think Lily might react that way, still this is one of those pages you just wish had thought bubbles.... I actually love both of Karen's expressions, the first sort of says "yeah yeah..... keep on droning on, you haven't a clue" and that second is basically a big "F-You shes mine and I will prove it!" then she tries to prove it xP. I wonder exactly how annoyed Karen is, bubbly girls like her tend to have the worse tempers and hold the longest grudges. This is certainly enjoyable so far, bring on tomorrow :) Edit: thinking about it.... I wonder how Lily is going to react :O I mean she might actually lose her temper! then there is poor Jenna in the middle xP.. its all good fun ;p


i think karens clit should grow with every sexual encounter she has with anyone. until she gives anastasia a run 4 her money. better yet have them all try to make karens clit so big she can take over from anastasia!!