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I hope that I was able to summarize the various story ideas that we've all managed to figure out over the life of this comic. I don't want to just make the Nah-Ri out to be the "villain" team in this conflict... obviously their thinking on sex, etc. is flawed, but I think that when we get to see the Foo-tah they're likely to have a similarly flawed view on sex... However it's still up to discussion based on suggestions. However, one thing comes specifically from CGI... for those who don't remember, CGI has been donating his time recently by helping me with flats for the comic, and one of the things he wanted to do while flatting was give the new girls some brightly colored hair. He had the idea that they might dye their hair as part of the ceremony, and I liked the idea and felt like it didn't contradict anything (plus it gives us an excuse to introduce girls with fun hair colors). The girls in this page aren't really anyone in particular... I have a few specific girls I want to use for a few specific characters that are due to appear in the comic. But for this scene I just kind of made up a group of girls, and I left it up to CGI to decide their skin tones and hair colors. I know that the vote had gone for having the girls arrive in the Nah-Ri village at the end of this page, but I didn't want the arrival to be crammed into a small panel, and I also wanted to have one good large panel to show off the orgy scene. So for now they're simply arriving at the outskirts of the village, and the village itself will be revealed in the future. During the last vote one of the write-in votes that still has enough details to fit into the story was to have the girls immediately arrested and brought before Anastasia and forced to prove their divinity. That will definitely be one of the options in the next poll, though don't be shy about offering your own suggestions here.



Quinn Adlard

i love the colors on the girls so kat and her mom is part of the of the nah ri (and them i guess). and foo-ta is jena and her mother so far. are there guidelines for them or just add as we go. and whos up for use. or do you have a plane for that. i kind of want the next page to be a little bit of a cliff hanger like thery get into the village there are guards and there either brought to the leader or held somewhere until a meeting is ready. then the last panel shows lily and jena getting to her villige so we can pick up with them for awhile.


Well, Anastasia (chief and...tribal nun ^___^) has never failed to impregnate Nah-Ris, but maybe things will be different with women...and if Bianca should have the same difficulties, the final contest between the 2 tribes might be: who will be able to impregnate those 4 "goddesses"? ...and...will the girls remain..."girls" at the end of the contest? :p About the story...as soon as the "divine guests" are in front of Anastasia and show her "their divinity", she immediately reacts with a huge and unexpected erection...so she commands to be left alone with the 3 "goddesses"... :)


You struck a great balance between providing some much needed exposition/back-story and still providing an engaging page! And all the gals, from Anastasia to the one with green hair look fantastic! Also digging the variations on the dark/tanned skin tones. And kudos to CGI for the cool idea of having the exotic hair colors. Really helps set each of the ladies apart. And I also like the idea that neither the Nah-Ri or Foo-tah ever really take on a "villain role". A little moral/social ambiguity from both sides I think will help this story in the long run!


The will of the patrons is always the priority in the comic... I have ideas for the story but I want this to be a patron-guided story with my occasional input. None of the established characters from the comic are overtly spoken for, aside from an earlier vote that established that Anastasia is the leader of the Nah-Ri and Bianca is the leader of the Foo-Tah. A few characters have a specific side they're most likely to belong to... If the story is going to establish Karen as a Nah-Ri there would have to be a pretty good reason why she's not with Jenna and Bianca. But other than that if there's a specific character you want to see in a specific role go ahead and be vocal about it... even if it's not something that comes up in the next page there's a lot of discussion and decisions that are made outside of the official polls.


lol well if nothing else it's been planned since one of the earlier votes that Lily will definitely become a futa at some point in the story.


Yeah CGI did a great job on the flats for this. All these girls were originally total throw-away characters but his color choices have really endeared me to the girls. I'm thinking this image would work best as a flashback and if these girls show up again they would all be visibly pregnant


Yeah the chief sure has to take all that burden LOL I am a little surprise of Anastasia her nun hood, I guess that is her trade mark LOL How about Anastasia inviting her guests to a special feast where they come to eat a special fruit by accident which tends them to change there bodies if different ways for each of them. Like one might have bigger tits and grow 2 normal size cocks, One might have a very long spike cock and huge ass, one might have huge balls but a little size one and ect. Another idea is to see what the Foo-tah tribe is like I can see them being more aggressive doing sex tournaments where the tribe do like sword fighting or jousting (with there dicks) or wrestling to able to win there prize by fucking the loser. Another I am thinking of which fits way later on is have the two futanari tribes band together to fight against a 3rd tribe which can be different race beside human.That would be really interesting like this 3rd tribe was a lost tribe long a go but has found by one of pirates which cause them to walk around the island because of the pirates stole there sacred treasure from them (Hey they are pirates) which causes them to spread chaos through the Island.


Well, as far as introducing the idea of stealing an item that summons a monstrous third tribe... It could work in the story, but it's a lot to introduce as an option in a poll. I think if we were to introduce it in the poll either it would be Lily stealing a treasure that is sealing back this third tribe, or Liang stealing a treasure sealing back this third tribe. Then the introduction of this third tribe would occur over more pages.


Hmmm, how about the Nah-ri are fine with our heroines at the start and are not aggressive to them in fact they are bought to the chieftain and welcomed.... That is until the chieftain smells an aroma only she is allowed to produce ( cum/sex smell ) from them and instantly does a 180 where they are bought before the old method of punishment for corruption, the Village stocks complete with heavy weighted Penis head ring and ball stretcher. The reason for this punishment is because (in the chieftain words) the act you have committed makes you no better then the impulsive ( and quick shot xP ) promiscuous Foo-tah and shows lack of respect for the sacred ceremonies (or something to that effect). But upon being stripped down the chieftain and village people are shocked to gaze upon the Heroines "divine" forms and take this to mean they are to be absolved as they have nothing to punish, you can end the page here, this leaves open the fact that Kat might indeed still be punished or if anything else happens.


I really like the idea that the tribe initially welcomes the three outsiders. Until the chieftain "smells the scent of sex" on Kat. Which then starts off a chain of events with Kat being put up for punishment. However, Kat announces that she had sex with deities, upon which the tribe strips down the three gals revealing their divine form! This could even lead to the revealing of a prophecy from Chieftess Anastasia, about the returning of the gods to their island. However, the girls must be put through a trial to verify their divinity and if they fail they will be killed for heresy.