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For once, I won't have a pinup for St. Patrick's day tomorrow, since I missed a few days this month for a few reasons, and didn't want to lose another day to focus on a pinup. I'm also planning to work on a half-day tomorrow... I'm going to pencil the cover for the next Side Dishes story, but I'm not going to have a finished image to share tomorrow.

Speaking of Side Dishes, the poll to decide the topic is still ongoing. The "Ivana Cumsalot" story idea is currently the leader, but there's still room for the vote to shift. So if you haven't voted yet, make sure to let your voice be heard. Even if the option you want is already in the lead, go ahead and vote anyway, just to make sure.

Also, I know that I usually attach all the pages from the current chapter on each update, so that new fans can easily catch up on the whole thing, but Patreon is being kind of slow and buggy so I'm just going to attach this page in hi res



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