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This page is going up a little late... I just had a pretty late night last night so I wasn't really able to get going on this page until late. I really wish that there was just more time in the day... if only so that this series could update more frequently. I would rather have Side Dishes update more often so we can tell more of this story. Although a weekly schedule is actually pretty common for pornographic webcomics. Actually, now that I've been working on Banana Cream Cake for as long as I have, I've realized how unusual it is to update as frequently on BCC as we do. Does anyone else know of any other porn webcomic that updates daily?




Nope,I don't know any personally so that makes BCC is one of a kind, it is a good thing that is why I pledge after all ;). As for where Side dishes can go from here, well I think a change of scene is necessary but It might be jarring to do so right now.. so to keep the story flowing naturally you could switch to the Nahri Chief involved in a orgy, one Nahri riding Cowgirl while the others are being fingered by the chief, whle this is happening you can explain some of the Nahri's history and traditions in boxes. Kind of like Kat is telling a story and we are seeing the events, you can start the page with a panel of Kat's face explaining then move straight to the orgy in the next :)


Nope you guys are the only ones which I commend and like what you guys are doing, there is not many porn web comics that update on the daily. You should get a medal LOL

John Doe

As I said before, man: I'd have no problem with you two taking things a bit slower and releasing content every two days instead, if you feel the breakneck speed at which you upload them pages is too much. I'd prefer waiting 24 hours more rather than having you rushing things without a minute of respite and ending up with a nervous breakdanc- I mean, breakdown. You're a "long-term investment", after all. Because, to answer your question: nope, I don't think one comic page a day is frequent amongst your peers. Anyway, it's your call. As for today's piece, it's niiice. Maybe we could have a bit of exposition after this one (perhaps, one page of little drawn scenes depicting the tribe's customs and history regarding mating, like black-figure pottery painting found on Greek amphoras and vases), then switch to the girls meeting the other villagers and having some more fun.

Quinn Adlard

wouldn't the chief be upset by this. a bunch of strangers upsetting the balance and traditions of her people. this never goes down well. but i guess they don't have to tell anyone right away. i really think we have spent enough time in the forest. i think these guys should start heading back..and then arriving at the village .then them getting 'arrested' to be brought to the chief. i cant think of a better word..escorted maybe. that way it would make a good point to do some thing. the chief could explain everything else. could be a cliff hanger and next week switch back to jena and lily getting to her village.


To be honest I find missing a day more stressful than working on the comic daily. I enjoy drawing, and if I wasn't working on a page of BCC I would be drawing something else instead. But I enjoy the ability to tell the story at a solid pace... I feel like the story would go much too slow otherwise. That's part of why I wish I could afford to update this series more frequently... everyone has so many good ideas for the series but it's just taking so long to get to them all lol