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This page looks great! Rainbow-Flyer has really outdone herself on this one, though I guess I'm a bit biased. I know that this side story has been a touch light on the eroticism up until now, but this is when things really start to heat up. I hope that you're all ready for all the fun to come, although I hope we can still surprise you with a few twists and turns along the way. I've included all of the previous pages as well to make it easier to read for the interested. ANd in case you've missed it, now is the last time to vote for Side Dishes! http://www.poll-maker.com/poll318340x0a204060-12




..... next week needs to happen now..... ;p I do like RF's work, we need much more of it. Oh speaking of other artists work are you open to BCC fan art? just curious as I would not mind seeing multiple interpretations of Jenna and co. ;p edit: corrections


We're both really open to fanart and I don't really have any restrictions... anything anyone is willing to draw or commission is fine with me.

John Doe

Bueno. Excellente.


Oh Annie going to learn today LOL I can't wait to see what happens next, I mostly get these theories right. I am curious will we ever get to see the Spinx appear in the original comic ? I can see her coming to visit Anastasia and see and her daughter, hey a "father" likes to come by and have a taste now and then LOL I can really see a family feud between mother and father.