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A rare page with no nudity, and not even any bulges from a cock or stiff nipple. Although if you like plump girls Trixie seems to be bulging in plenty of places. That's still a dilemma I face now and again in this comic... as a porn series I don't want to spend too much time on any scene that doesn't have too much sexual content. Dr. Sharktopus's writing has some drama in it, but the comic is still written in service of fan service and sex. Sometimes, though, it still falls on me as the artist to punch up the sexiness of a fairly normal scene. The main thing I had drawn in Trixie's tits and belly smooshed on the glass, but I almost got to inking on that first panel before I realized it needed some sexing up, so I changed it a bit to make her big booty more visible. Also, if you missed it yesterday Side Dishes updated again. There's been a lot of discussion about whether or not to eventually share the comic outside of Patreon, but not much in the way of what should happen next in the story. So if you have a suggestion now is good time to bring it up! https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=2296565




Hmmmmm... suggestions... Well you had her lick her lips at the end of the last page.... (time to get a bit strange xP) How about it turns out the Nah-ri actually have two tongues the one we see and a second longer thicker ribbed/bumpy tongue used for awesome Cunninglus kind or like a living rabbit ( the sex toy not the animal xD ) capable of giving multiple full body orgasms this would explian why they prefer the vagina for pleasure over the penis.... and give an excuse for some crazy oral (one tongue for the clit the other ribbed/bumpy one doing its thing) just an idea with any luck its a good one... I do hope this chaper of side dishes ends up in a full on ritualistic sex war orgy like affair ;p

John Doe

I really like that double-tongue idea, but I don't know it it really fits this kinda realistic setting. Obviously, some delicious cunnilingus should be on the menu, though. Maybe you could have Lily treat the 3 "pure" women as goddesses, since they're "blessed", so she should reverently ask Daphne whether she can taste her or not. Daphne, being an anthropologist, would agree. For science. This in turn would gradually give Lily an erection and ultimately make her cry because she'd be extremely ashamed of being so "impure" in front of such divine beings. Then, you could have the other girls swoop in to comfort her and show her that a dick can be a blessing instead of a curse. I'm voting for a triple blowjob scene, personally (if you want some reference, there is the "3 Blowin' Me" series from Evil Angel: www.xvideos.com/video6619875/3_blowin_me_-_part_1_2).