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Since the pages are actually drawn about two weeks before they go up I sometimes lose track of what exactly was going through my mind when I drew them, or what interesting anecdote I have about the page I can share with you all. Lily is intended to be a bit sporty and athletic, hence the bicycle. I'd imagine she played a lot of sports back when she was in school... probably at least track, maybe baseball and soccer. Although I have to admit I haven't given much thought to Trixie's personality and habits... at this point she's largely just defined by her addiction to "banana cream". Although I guess you kind of know what you're getting into when you have a blonde girl named Trixie with huge pigtails... it's kind of a known archetype. And don't forget that you can vote every day on Patreon! http://www.poll-maker.com/poll300351x73394341-11




How'dy there, sorry to say this but there is no Hi-rez or plain link for the page xS. *poke poke pester pester* xP looking forward to the clean version ;) keep up the good work as always.


Sorry about that I don't know how I didn't realize I had forgotten to upload those extra bits