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I live in Texas currently, and for the most part I'm neutral on it... I don't really consider myself a Texan, and I remember as a kid I always hated Texas because it's too hot and people can be weird about their pride as Texans. I remember going to a steakhouse once while passing through Texas and they had sinks in the bathroom that were shaped like Texas... I can't think of any other state that does that. I'm sure if you added up every state-shaped belt buckle from every state other than Texas ever made, it would probably be less than the number of Texas-shaped belt buckles produced just in the last year. Although the biggest problem is just how fucking hot it gets here. I'm from the desert originally, but at least it gets cold at night in the desert. A big part of that is just the fact that I live in an apartment complex where I don't have full control over the air conditioning... it was decently cold for three days in a row recently because of some heavy rain, so the apartment management turned off the A/C for the year... and being Texas, once the rains passed, the temperature jumped back up. I don't really have a point for this, other than just to vent about how annoying it is that it's almost 9pm and it's uncomfortably hot here. I'm sure there are plenty of readers dealing with serious cold who would swap with me if they could... and honestly, I'd probably be happy with that. I've always kind of preferred cold to heat... cold, I think, is easier to combat. Up to a point, at least.



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