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I've got some bad news... the other night I got a cut on my hand. It wasn't a deep cut, but it was wide and basically just kind of shaved off a thin layer of skin on my hand. Unfortunately, it's right on my palm where my palm would normally rest on the tablet while drawing... so I can't really draw without constantly rubbing some exposed nerves against a bandage all day. I feel like even if I did manage to force myself to just work through the pain it would just delay my palm healing. I feel bad about taking another day off, after already taking off monday to take care of a doctor's appointment and participate in early voting. But at this point I don't really have an option.



Take as much time as you need to let your hand heal. Your health is much more important than lack of updates. If your hand suffers, then your art suffers. Rest up and take it easy.


accidents happen u do what u gotta do to get better enjoy your r and r


Look after yourself and we’ll all still be here when you return 😁


Sorry to hear this. Take the time you need to heal. Hope you feel better soon.


Hey, better we miss a day than you put yourself out of commission for even longer.


Get your rest and heal up we can wait. The last thing we want is hurting yourself more just to get a comic out.

Pedro MG

Np man, just care yourself now, take rest and hope you can feel better. 1st is you the other things come after that. My reggards

Van Dermonde

Hope it will heal soon, no stress.


It's all good man, shit happens. Take all the time you need to heal up. You pump out content on a daily basis. No one should fault you for having to take some time to heal from an injury.


Get well .an, let your hand heal.

The Digital Demon

Voting is important, you're a fine American.


take a break


Take all the time you need to fully heal your hand and don't feel bad for taking those days off :)


It’s all good! Take it easy man! If you need to rest through the weekend until it starts to meaningfully heal you should do so!