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Part of the intent with this was to make a sort of new cover for the comic as a whole... the best way to convey that I felt was to include all those baked goods for her to lounge on. I've also got female and nude alts that I'll be uploading here once the picture goes up on the main page. Although before that point are there any other alts anyone is interested in seeing? Nothing too complex.



John Doe

Me like. Would this serve as the official cover for the very first chapter as well? Because it's missing one, I think (I have the chapters "on display", so to speak, in .cbr form with thumbnails and it's always bothered me how the first one doesn't have a nice cover like the others). Would it also be possible to have an alt for this one with an added left arm, or would it be too complicated to do? So that Jenna could maybe use her left hand to peel her foreskin between her index and middle finger while ejaculating at the same time. On a different note, seeing that eclair in the foreground totally makes me want to see Jenna and Lily baking some more stuff in the future, using a lot of banana cream as filling or glazing (dicks and pastries always go well together, as "American Pie" taught us).


Yeah I think I"ll do a version with a logo and title to be used as a cover for the first chapter and figure out how to move it to the start of the comic. I'll see if I have enough time to work on that alt tonight... it doesn't sound too complicated but I'll have to see how it goes editing the image that much.