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It's Halloweeeeen! I actually don't really associate mummies with Halloween, but as I was discussing the idea for  a Halloween pinup with CGI I really got attached to the idea Inara, since i thought she would look good with her dark skin and bulging muscles held in the white bandages. I got a lot of help with this pinup... the background was drawn by my wife, Rainbow flyer, and CGI made some very creative decisions when he flatted the colors. When I drew Inara's jewelry, I pretty much intended it to be just gold with red jewels on it. But he actually researched Egyptian jewelry and used more traditional and interesting colors for not just the jewelry, but her makeup as well.

For the stars I actually went out of my way to include the constellation of Orion, since there are theories that the placement of the great pyramids in Egypt relate to the positions of the stars in Orion's belt. The other stars in the background are just kind of randomly placed, but I thought that would be a fun detail to include.



Pedro MG

Wow im so happy of choice Inara for this, nice work and lovely details


Mmmm nice and busty


Holy shit Inara looks great in this!


Fantastic! Well done, sir!