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So I didn't have enough time today to work on a full comic page, so I went for my go-to and did a character bio instead, this time focused on Inara. I actually struggled a bit deciding which character to write the bio for today, since there aren't a lot of important players left who need bios. But Inara won out for a combination of the fact that I actually had thought pretty extensively about her character history already, and I also didn't have a solid plan for any way to reveal all this information in the comic itself. I had joked before that she's blonde with blue eyes because she came from the same tribe as Elena from Street Fighter, which honestly was just a joke, but that's also why she's Kenyan. When looking up Kenyan surnames, I saw that traditionally Kenyan's were named after where or when they were born, as opposed to sharing family surnames. So Inara's last name, if I got it right, means "born near white people", since she was born in a Christian family who lived near missionaries.

You may recognize the outfit she's wearing as the wrestling costume that was designed by Pillow Princess. When she wrestled she also wore a mask, but I didn't include the mask in this pinup since I wanted it to work better as a standalone Inara pinup, so seeing her full face really helped with that.




You got some of the ideas for her backstory from the guy who inspired Nacho Libre, didn't you? Fray Tormenta.


Always happy to see more Inara!


?? What would Inara's sex transformation be? With her combination of body building, public shaming, and physical punishment fetishes all I can imagine is a giant hulk of a woman held down with ropes like in Gullivers Travels and Jenna riding on top while everyone else secures the "beast" Inara so that a building isn't destroyed

Pedro MG

one of my platonic girls <3


I love her body. I could get lost in every crease of her muscle.


I think these extensive backstories are really cool additions. It makes the characters seem more real and not just hot fuckable random comic characters.