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So, in most porn the cum shot is pretty much saved for the end of it all, and you can sort of tell when things are winding down when you see it. But with Jenna's magic cock there's pretty much no limit to how many cumshots we can fit into one story. It's not a bad thing in any way lol... mostly it just makes things tricky when getting to the end of the sex scene, since I need to figure out some way to punctuate with something more extreme than a standard ejaculation to use as a money shot.




Oh wow, wrapping up the sex already? Either this chapter is shorter than recent ones or you have a lot more in store beyond this encounter. You did say you were trying things differently this chapter. Regardless, I'm excited to see where this goes!


Oh sorry, I just realized that my wording on that was pretty misleading. The point I was attempting to make was that, normally, a page like this would be the end of a chapter, but for this comic it's just one page in the middle of the story


Gotta say, I've really been enjoying all these shots we've been seeing of Jenna's ass.