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Whenever I have a voiceover or extensive captions or whatever, it's safe to assume that I'm trying to condense a lot of story into a small space. With this being a porn comic and all, I'm always a bit hesitant to dwell too long on the non-porn aspects. 

Also, I still haven't really gotten any new suggestions for Banana Shortcake Stories! I think part of that is because we've got so many suggestions already, so most readers have found at least one option they want to see just from those offered. But still, tonight is the last chance to offer any suggestions, if you have them. the poll for the next BSC story will start tomorrow :)




I happen to like the story and want to see more of it. Not many porn comics (or other porn outlets) have much in the way of story, and a good story is what keeps me engaged. True, a text dump is a bit inelegant, but I'm wanting to know more about this world. What does this Mother-Father buisness mean, and why does Anastasia want with her? Looking forward to more of this comic. It's the two of the only ones I want to fund constantly, month after month (the other being cock and dagger).


Similar to what James is saying; don't feel like you need to gloss over the story too much! Frankly after this long of a story I feel it fitting that when appropriate that you take a few pages to build the narrative.


while I do agree with you and I enjoy the story in this comic, too many people bitch if he spends too long on story, annoys the crap out of me on the free page when I see it I get the feeling the patrons appreciate the story more


Oh no... nonono... she better not be implying what I think she is implying. Please don't let Nina be pregnant! I really don't want to see this happen. Please let her be referring to something else like the warning from the Sphinx! Also ditto James and Kenneth here. Given the nature of a porn comic, you don't really have many opportunities to have big plot dumps and exposition like this. That doesn't mean they aren't welcome though. This comic has way more story than any other porn comic I have seen and honestly that is large part of the appeal. No but really please don't let Nina be pregnant. If she ends up pregnant I might just end up deleting my pledge and stop following the comic. I know its extreme and a bit harsh but this chapter, while having some good moments, has mostly been frustration and anxiousness to see what happens for me. To do that to her would be a slap in the face and honestly unneeded as Karen kind of fills that role already.


I actually expressed this myself during discussion,I agree with having just Karen and Hannah... In fact I think Hannah was overkill, there was all kinds of things being tossed around as always I was being a bit out of the box xP. ( lets just say it is a good thing I have little say on the plot... BCC would be like game of thrones xD stuff like when Nina's balls were crushed.. ...sorry "dispelled" it effected her so badly that it takes weeks to recover, mentally scars her and prevents her from summoning them in the future making her the first proper "ball-less" futa or how Ronnie's butt was going to be Bianca's "stress relief" in that poker chapter.. so yeah it is a good thing I don't really have much clout plot wise xD)