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Last week I mentioned that this chapter would be finishing in seven pages, and when I did that Kenneth (who commissions the Side Dishes 2-II series) asked if, instead of SD 2-II pages, he could instead use that money to commission more pages to this chapter. So for the next 7 weeks we'll be doing two SD 5 pages every week, so we'll still be finishing at the same time, but there will be 14 pages to finish this instead of 7. His only condition was that he wanted to make sure and include some specific scenes with Anastasia... so this specific sequence and tomorrow's page were scripted by him.




That's really awesome of Kenneth! If Side Dishes 2-II is anything to go by then this should be really good! Also that first panel is actually kind of badass!


Many thanks (again) to Kenneth then! :)


Page looks great! Thanks, Trans! I agree with LordSykos; you really nailed the action shot with the first panel. That aside I hope everyone enjoys my little bit of contribution. Felt like after such a long ride with this story that it was befitting to provide it with ample time to conclude!