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I saw an interesting discussion the other day by a few pornographic artists about how they don't normally work on sequential comic pages because, in many ways, they don't bring as much attention. A standalone pinup can be posted anywhere without context, and more time can be spent on every aspect of the image to really make it look great. I can understand that mindset, but I also kind of hope that this means that this comic series will get more attention for being one of the few regularly updating pornographic webcomics on the web. The only other one that I know of off the top of my head is InCase's series at buttsmithy.com, which is also Patreon funded and updates every weekday. I am hoping to be able to reach the point where I can survive entirely off of Patreon support, because it would allow me to focus entirely on the comic. It's interesting because the time I've put into the series is actually greater than what I was putting into my day job when I was working at Wal Mart, and I don't even get weekends off or anything, but good God is this world's more rewarding. It's actually really important to me to make something high quality that fans will enjoy and want to share, and not feel like I'm just gouging them for Patreon support. At the same time, I'm trying to produce the right kind of content so that those who do contribute to the Patreon feel like they're getting properly rewarded for their generosity, and are getting more than just what I put out for free. It's a tough balance to maintain... I've seen a lot of artists get yelled at for hiding their art behind a "paywall", which to be honest I think is kind of hooey, but I can understand the frustration. I just hope that you all really enjoy the comic and, even if you can't contribute, find your own way to appreciate the time it takes to produce this comic for you all every day. Also, for Side Dishes so far there has only been one suggestion for what to do next with the story, so that's why there hasn't been a vote yet this week. Aside from that mostly it has been simply suggestions for names for the new characters... We've decided instead of doing a vote for each girls' name Dr. Sharktopus and I will just discuss the suggestions and decide which ones we like.



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