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I spent a good amount of today actually outside walking around, which is kind of a rarity for me. It's a combination of just being kind of lazy, and having a job where I dont' really need to ever leave my house if I don't want to. My wife and I have been playing Pokemon Go, which I think I've mentioned before, so we used that as an excuse to head downtown and go to a flea market event. It was nice to get out, but it is just insanely windy out here right now... I nearly lost my hat like, five or six times.




So Nina either accepts the offer, gains pleasure whenever she desires, but likely comes to regret her decision when she has to raise a child this young. Or she rejects the offer and likely becomes stronger as a result. This whole chapter, while mostly being punishment for her, has tested her endurance and resolve. To accept would be giving in, while denying it would strengthen her will. Hope Nina thinks about this and makes the right decision. Also I just love the idea of Nina refusing, causing the Sphinx to pull out and stick it into Sindra. After all, if Nina doesn't take it, SOMEONE has to.


i would love to see nina accept this offer


I am the other way around, I agree with LS hopefully she makes the right choice.


From a pervert's perspective the idea of Nina getting knocked up is insanely hot. from a story perspective I think I'm with LordSykos on this one. Hey that means I'm happy either way. What a great chapter!


Oh well...if the Sphinx gives Nina a proper bridal ring (:p) and the pregnancy is almost instantaneous... :D I also understand LS point tough...but anyway, I guess everything has been already planned for this chapter, so let's grab some popcorns and a beer and let's see what will happen next :)


I will say T and I have going through many ideas on what is going to happen here, I gave him the final decision on whats going to happen to Nina fate here in Banana cream cake series.


Your teasing has been killing me this entire chapter. Now I'm REALLY worried about what is going to happen next D: