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So when I designed Hannah my main goal was just to make her not "sexy" like all the other women. So she's small, dressed kinda frumpy, small breasts... but I still wanted her to be attractive so I tried to instead focus on making her cute, with big Disney eyes and a button nose. When Dr. Sharktopus wrote the original script the character didn't have a name or any description... she didn't even have this interaction with Jenna's Mom. But as I designed her we came up with the idea of using this interaction between Jenna's Mom and a cute submissive girl to show off more of her personality. Also we've got exciting news! Now that we've reached our $200 goal on our Patreon thanks to one very generous patron pushing us over the edge we will now be offering Side Dishes in color starting tomorrow.For those who don't know, Side Dishes is a new series exclusive to Patreon that is guided by Patron suggestions and votes. The comic is available to all patrons, whether you donate $25 a month or $1 a month. A new chapter is starting tomorrow: The Tale of Cap'n Lily on Foo-Tah Island, with Lily as a pirate adventuring on an entire island full of futa women. As long as the generous donations keep up, the entire chapter should appear in color exclusively for patrons! The sooner you get involved, the more you can help guide the story! http://patreon.com/bananacreamcake Speaking of, voting is still ongoing for the next chapter of Side Dishes! If you haven't voted yet, now's the time, because we've still got a tie in the voting! If the tie isn't resolved by Sunday morning then either Dr. Sharktopus will cast the deciding vote, or we might just combine the two concepts since they're compatible. What would you all prefer: combine the two, or leave it up to the good Doctor? http://www.poll-maker.com/poll244053xE4e145cc-9




combine the two