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Here's the drawing of Jenna I created specifically for having something that can be uploaded to vanilla sites and printed on merchandise without having a big fat dick in the middle of the picture. To start off I've already created a Cafepress store! It's new, but there are lots of products available with this picture available: http://www.cafepress.com/bananacreamcake I need to see if this sells like... at all before I get into creating more art specifically for sale, but hopefully it will sell some units. Also, this is your last chance to get in on the first page of the next chapter of Side Dishes before we start the voting! https://www.patreon.com/creation?hid=1701538



John Doe

I fucking love that picture, but that merchandise is not something I'd display or leave around in my house. It would raise too many eyebrows.


Is there any kind of product you would buy, though? Or is porn just not the kind of thing you would want to own products of?