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Okay, this is the last page of this chapter! This has been a particularly long chapter, and it's been pretty fun to work on. Tomorrow we'll be posting our first Valentine's pinup, then for the Sunday update we'll have our second Valentine's pinup, based on the running poll: http://www.poll-maker.com/poll239027x692E40A2-9 Then come next week we'll be posting a few pinups and other art, then get started on the next chapter starring two characters that have been criminally underused in the main series. If you simply can't wait that long don't forget that those who contribute $5 or more to our Patreon get access to comic pages as they're finished, instead of on the daily schedule we're following for the main site. Speaking of Patreon we've also recently finished the vampire story arc from Side Dishes, the Patreon-exclusive story guided by the Patrons. If you're interested in seeing and helping guide an original series Side Dishes is available to all Patreon supporters, regardless of how much they pledge. The voting for the next chapter is still ongoing, and we actually haven't gotten many votes so far, so there's still plenty of time to help guide the story if you haven't cast your vote yet! http://www.poll-maker.com/poll238112xaaf14bF0-9



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