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I'd actually considered at one point giving Jenna more of a split personality to denote the times she lost control. But aside from Dr. Sharktopus not liking the idea at all, I felt like that would be too hokey for one thing, and for another, I feel like it's less interesting to have her just totally change personality when doing something lewd... I feel it's a lot more interesting to see her adjusting to these situations while retaining her normal attitude. Although the way Jenna acts in this comic is probably what her alternate personality would have been like if I had gone forward with that premise.




I'm honestly really looking forward to seeing the rest of this story play out! Feel like this is the first time that you've had a full on "Bad End" type story conclusion.


Small spell error in the first panel. But I think Jenna adopting an alter personality would be kinda neat. In Place of her losing control she becomes a bit more dominant....growing more comfortable with her insatiable sex drive


Ah, thanks for pointing out the typo. I went ahead and corrected it (for the curious who didn't see it before, I accidentally put "htem" instead of "them")