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I hope that readers are enjoying and interested in what's being shown in these pages. I worry a bit that I'm being too self-indulgent and artsy for a comic like this. Honestly, if this was a more story-driven comic I would have a whole sexless chapter just dealing with Vincent's death and everything that happened as a result, but I don't think that's what readers would want to see, so I'm sort of picking out some of the more intriguing or strange moments and presenting them in bits and pieces throughout the comic.

Also, I managed to almost successfully stream myself playing Stardew Valley yesterday. You can see the archived video here , though I'll need to adjust my audio settings... my voice is drowned out a bit by the in-game audio. Still, I thought it was pretty fun, so I'm going to go for it again tonight at 9pm CST... I doubt this will be a daily event or anything, but it will be a fun way to connect with fans. Lol if I ever reach a point where I start getting any kind of ad revenue or whatever from Youtube I'll probably invest in a better microphone, and maybe some hardware to let me stream things other than PS4 games.



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