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Hey Patrons, when I posted these back on Halloween I asked if anyone would be interested in seeing Cum alts, and someone was, so here they are exclusively for you. I'd also like to mention that I'm planning to create a side comic guided by you, the patrons. It's going to be non-canon, so the comic can basically do anything and go anywhere without worrying about stepping on the main comic's toes. So for a start... who do you want to see the new comic focus on? Would you like to see more of Jenna, or follow one of the other characters for a bit? If you have any suggestions or requests you can contact me on here, or message me on the main site, or simply email us at doctorsharktopus@yahoo.com This is a pretty unique opportunity for the few of you here on the ground floor... since there's so few people involved at this point if you've got an idea you're particularly passionate to see you can practically have your own comic written and produced.



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