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I feel like I whine about this regularly, but it is pretty tricky to draw Lisette sometimes just because she's so short, and it's hard to find good reference for her.I accidentally followed the reference I used for the first panel too closely, and I didn't realize until CGI pointed it out that she was looking just a bit too tall. I made some adjustments... mostly I expanded the linework of her ass to cover more of her torso, but she still looks just a bit taller in that panel than she should have.

Also, my wife had jury duty today, and on top of that I was her ride, so I didn't have enough time to work on a new comic page. The whole thing was stressful/annoying for her, so we figured we'd use this as an excuse to take a day off and try and relax a bit after dealing with downtown traffic and bureaucracy  for most of the day.



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