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Mother's Day is pretty much the only "minor" Holiday that I go out of my way to celebrate every year in the comic... as opposed to some Holidays which I just do pinups for as an excuse to basically give myself a day off. Considering the star of the series, it just seemed like the one Holiday I couldn't skip.

I actually had some debate with myself on whether Anastasia should have her cock summoned or not for this pinup, but to be honest it just looked better without it. When I first drew this I actually had a major error... I drew Anastasia's foot backwards, since I managed to confuse myself with her crossing her legs. I didn't even notice until I posted it to Patreon and a Patron messaged me to let me know about the problem. Sometimes I just ignore art mistakes if I catch them too late and they're not too major, but this was a serious problem that would have been a major blemish on this pinup, so I basically had to repaint her foot so it would look right.



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