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Mother's Day is in a week, so I went ahead and drew this year's Mother's Day pinup. With our Milf-centric cast, Mother's Day is kind of an important holiday for this comic.  It's pretty much the only "minor" holiday that I feel obligated to draw a pinup for each year.

I had sort of decided on my own that this year's pinup would focus on Anastasia, and I had the idea of the vandalized text. Beyond that I didn't really have much of an idea... I was talking to Shotred about it and he suggested some ideas involving Kat, and we discussed it for a bit until coming to the idea of trying to reference those Frazetta-style paintings with a powerful woman lounging on top of a big cat. Lol part of me thinks the idea would work better with the Sphinx, but to be honest I just didn't want to deal with her wings.

EDIT: Had to fix her foot




God them fucking tits.


I know one of the reasons why that she is one of my favorite character