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I'm probably just cynical about religion... mostly because it's usually religious weirdoes who do things like, say... force Patreon to enforce extremely strict rules for porn that drastically derailed my plans for the series.



Escaped Dreamer

Now I want to k ow what you had planned. You could maybe try out subscribestar. Another artist on here that I follow had to start posting over there. Do you have a discord connected to here would love a place to talk freely.


I don't know if I can even really discuss my plans on Patreon... I will say that I actually tried to switch to Subscribestar at one point, but the security there is... not great, and I had a few other issues. Ultimately, though, it just didn't seem safe enough to rely on as my main source of income. I don't have a discord set up... I'm not totally sure how to.


Wow, Bianca just dropping wisdom like its nothing. Fine bit of writing this.