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Super One - The 1st Album: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ly8q3joyrjl2l9z/SuperM%20%7C%20Super%20One.mp4

SuperM - The 1st Mini Album: https://www.dropbox.com/s/u99ekwv4tjppumh/SuperM%20%7C%201st%20Mini%20Album.mp4


SuperM | Super One.mp4

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Sarah Bruce

So I finally joined just to watch this (and I know I'm very late), but I love your reactions and I'm happy to be able to support! Looking forward to going back through some other album reviews I couldn't see until now. Between Infinity and Monster, at first Infinity was my clear favorite, it just sounds really epic and the instrumental in the verses is interesting. After listening to them a lot more though, I don't think I could choose. When I first heard Monster, the chorus was really jarring to me because I was used to it going into the Infinity chorus (I'd already listened to One like a hundred times before the full album was out), but once I got used to it, it really grew on me and that bridge is gorgeous. Overall I think the combination in One works really well, and they still left some of the best parts of each song out of it which I think makes it worth listening to all three. My favorites on the album definitely have to be Big Chance, Better Days, and Wish You Were Here though. I could just put those three songs on repeat all day and be happy. Also, don't worry you weren't forgetting anything, they didn't perform Step Up or So Long before, they were brand new for the album!

DarkWolf9131 _

I don’t really have a top 5 for this album but it’s just extremely well put together. Out of Monster & Infinity, I would say my favorite is definitely Infinity. My favorite part of One was the chorus and more specifically the really high Synth Brass melody in the second half of the chorus. But in the rap parts, I freaking love the swells of the intense, kind of apocalyptic sounding hits with silence in between for impact. I freaking love that stuff. Anything that sounds like it could be an epic movie soundtrack, I automatically love.