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[All the videos I reacted to are listed below in the order I reacted to them in. Please note that there are multiple links because the video is split into parts to avoid buffering issues on Dropbox. I can only post one link as the main video so the main link is part one. Scroll down in the post for the other links. Just copy the link and paste it in a new window if you can't physically click on it.]

Friday playlist link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-oVmRlL8-DJLUcPWx-0tXXbe3On2bpqy

PART 1: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6aftl4qipxvj9i2mth4un/June-2024-Gang-Stream-Part-1.mp4?rlkey=nzusy0b4e70yx0x50ltxs9cfu&st=n1kqpcpu&dl=0


Saturday playlist link: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-oVmRlL8-DLBZ4s5Ng_aNhOKvHrdv1uc

PART 2: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/miufuf0p0nw0bemsct73s/June-2024-Gang-Stream-Part-2.mp4?rlkey=jgkwp53rrc0fs555vf173tkmp&st=hojffml6&dl=0


June 2024 Gang Stream (Part 1).mp4

Shared with Dropbox


Andrew Wright

The 2024 versions of DC hit! Lullaby was also released in the same album and the improvement from debut Lullaby to now 👌


Fellow Haikyuu fan here - I, too, cried in the theatre for the new movie, and I was embarrassed until I realised quite a few of us did lol. I hadn't seen that Orange cover before, they did a great job!