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hello guys, if you have seen my recent tweets....something happened . a twitter user @ GavMP4 wanted to help me with the renders of my animation. he did render on his PC, and WTF , it took 26minutes for him . it took the whole week for me,and it was not even done , AND thats is just leon's animation , i still had to render jin after .

funny because my laptop is supposed to be good , it was kinda expensive , and it has rtx 3070 gpu , but i guess not !!!!

i have also sent jin's animation to him , he is also rendering that one so

BOTH animations will be done today and we will just wait for the audio to be added.

i wish that i had a pc this good, would be so much faster to produce and upload content



idk if u already know this but laptop gpus are always worse than their desktop variants even if they have the same name. Assuming that you dont need portability i would recommend you to switch to pc if you want more speed ( its also kinda cheaper)


hey guys thanks alot for your replies !!!! yeah i need a better pc , i already have a desktop that was build around 2016 a while ago, it is outdated now, even my current laptop i think , renders faster . searching for the best build then i will travel to get one , when i get visa ^_^