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Tom is Moving!

Hi everyone! Quick announcement before the Round Up. I am moving house in a few days so content may be a bit more sporadic and I may not be as quick to answer messages for the first couple of weeks in October. All of your normally scheduled content will be ready, it just may be towards the end of the month instead.

Into the Wilds Battlemap Books Vol. 3 - Urban Edition

Into the Wilds Battlemap Books Volume 3 will be coming in Spring 2024! You can sign up to the pre-launch page here to be notified when we go live. If you missed out on the first Kickstarter for Volumes 1 and 2, they will also be available as add-ons! I'll be sharing more info as we get closer to launch.

Round Up

Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In September we released:

  • 99 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 4 Illustrations
  • 299 Assets
  • 75 Tokens
  • 2 Adventure Modules
  • 4 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Magic Item
  • 1 Custom Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).


Mines of Bharzul

The Mines of Bharzul stretch for miles and miles in every direction, including straight down. They have numerous smaller exits, but this is the primary entrance that connects back to the city itself. Many tunnels are still in use, while some have been entirely mined out, a few have collapsed or been abandoned, and others simply forgotten in the maze of interconnecting pathways. It is believed by many that one or two even connect to the lost ancient city within the mountain, but this has never been confirmed by the officials.

Upon entry into this enormous cavern, visitors are greeted by the central pillar that runs from the top to the bottom of the mines and stretches all the way up to the ceiling of the cave. Carved from stone and inlaid with precious metals, it connects every level of the mines and is used to transport both people and goods.

Free      Hi-Res (Traveller+)      Variants (Adventurer+) 

Grand Lift

There are two grand lifts along the Lords road in Bharzul, connecting the three different levels of the city. They are deliberately designed as bottlenecks between each of the tiers to force any invading army to fight through in one spot while being attacked from above, before being able to proceed to the next level. There are a few routes through the walls that connect the levels aside from the lifts, but they are narrow and not often used.

Due to their importance, the lifts are constantly checked and maintained by the Machinists Guild and have not been out of service for almost 30 years. Until today that is. There is not anything clearly wrong with the mechanisms, all gears and cogs are well tuned and oiled, and the machinists are at a loss to understand how to fix something that should not be broken. They are looking for any outside expertise that may be able to shed some light on the issue.

Free      Hi-Res (Traveller+)      Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds 

Castles 03 - Castle Interiors

  • Great Hall - The expansive great hall is primarily the Kings throne room, but is also used as a banquet hall, ballroom and due to the Kings propensity for resolving debates with combat, occasionally a duelling arena.
  • Cloistered Courtyard - An area of peace and tranquility within the bustling castle. Although the throne room is where the King takes court and makes decisions on the ruling of the Kingdom, many of those decisions are in fact made for him in advance during quiet conversations among the roses here.
  • Castle Bedrooms - These spacious suites used by the palace nobles and their guests are sumptuous in their decor and provide a beautiful view over the surrounding countryside. In contrast the servants quarters just across the hallway are much more humble.
  • Castle Barracks - These barracks are home to many of the castles guard, bachelors with no abode or family outside the walls. Because of this, there is a great camaraderie between the soldiers but the rooms are not always kept quite up to military standards.

Free      Hi-Res (Traveller+)  

Bandit Camp Scene

The Sheriff has been inundated with complaints about bandit raiders attacking trade caravans and travellers. Despite increasing patrols and searching the local area for signs of their camp, little progress has been made. Setting up a new town in new territory requires a lot of management and the law is needed in many places at once. Until the Sheriff can train more new recruits, they are looking for passing groups of adventurers to help out.

Free      Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos - https://www.artstation.com/nonato

Modular Roof Tile Asset Pack - 240 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains a variety of modular Roof Tiles for creating your own City or Town roofscape.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.31 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month!

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Premium 5e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Liquid Assets by Alex LeFort (2nd-4th Level Adventure)

The party has been asked to collect on a debt owed by a man named Grigori, the owner of a prominent public bath house. Naturally, Grigori is unenthusiastic about the expectation of repayment at this time, and so the party must find a way to bring Grigori around to their point of view. Failing that, perhaps they can steal the debt right out from under his nose.

Premium Pathfinder 2e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Arcane Aftershocks by Alex LeFort & David N. Ross (4th Level Adventure)

An intrepid inventor and operator of a local water mill has plunged it into chaos after his attempted fusion of magic and mechanical engineering went haywire. Ephemeral, semi-sentient coalescences of arcane energy now occupy the factory, overloading its mechanisms and threatening to irreparably damage its components. Can the party intervene to clean up the mess made by the mill’s operator?

Scenes (Forgemaster+)

Shoggoth BBEG - (Free) - Free Shoggoth Token with 5+ variants (Free)

Human NPC Token Pack 02 Sample - 2 Free Human NPC tokens (Free)

Human NPC Token Pack 02 Base Set - 14 Human NPC Tokens arranged by class. (Traveller+)

Human NPC Token Pack 02 Variants - 70 Human NPC Tokens arranged by class. (Adventurer+)

These tokens will also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Observer’s Cowl for 5E & PF2E

Drudgework Observers are known for their immaculate vision and ability to spot potential threats long before they become obvious to the naked eye. A cunning inventor has seen fit to fashion the same kind of vision system used by the observers into a convenient headpiece that can be worn by most anyone. Looking at the world through the goggles of the cowl reveals a vibrance and sharpness to the world giving you advantage on perception checks that are based on sight.

Hi Res (Traveller+)

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

Drudgework Observer for 5E & PF2E

Often employed in forward scouting missions, Observers can autonomously fly for a great distance ahead of parties and get a sense of upcoming terrain, threats, and potential issues. They return to their base to communicate potential issues long before they ever present themselves. Each Observer operates within a set of parameters that tells them where to start and end missions from as well as what information they are trying to collect. They have even been used to scout for specific resources.

Hi Res (Traveller+)

This creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

TC Modern is my new Patreon with modern themed Battlemaps and Assets!

Radio Tower


TC Modern Asset Packs (Explorer+)

Rooftop Services Asset Pack - 59 New Assets 

DungeonDraft Asset Packs September 2023 (Explorer+) 

These Scenes & Assets will also be added to Moulinette Cloud



Ryan Rogers

Congrats on the new house! Well deserved!!!


Quick question, do you have any pine forest maps?


These are probably your best options - https://www.tomcartos.com/into-the-wilds-forest