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Hello Everyone!

This is the poll for the next 'Into the Wilds' map series theme. These are intended to be more generic than my regular weekly maps sets, and are perfect for random encounters or battles on the road. Vote below for your favourite, and leave suggestions for future themes in the comments.

This poll will end on August Wednesday 30th


Titanic Viking

Some Inn's & Taverns would be really useful.

Jade Hawk

I know it isn't on this list, but I would *love* to see some more extra planar maps sometime. Something akin to the Astral Plane from Baldur's Gate 3 maybe? Or maybe something like the twilight realm in TLoZ Twilight Princess?


Have you had a look at my 'Pub Crawl' set? There are 3 different inns in there - https://www.patreon.com/posts/45257542 Always space for more though!