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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In July we released -

  • 127 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 7 Illustrations
  • 496 Assets
  • 9 Tokens
  • 3 5E Adventures
  • 6 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Magic Item
  • 1 Custom Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).


Bharzul Low City

Bharzul City has 4 distinct districts within the walls, the Low City, Mid City, High City and Stone Palace. Each is built onto a separate terrace on the mountain side and are primarily connected by the grand lifts.

The Low City is where the majority of the population live, and although densely populated is broken into smaller communities that are each self-sustaining for the most part. This leads to friendly competition and rivalries. From the outside many of the buildings seem small, but they often extend into the rock face behind and there are as many streets and passages in the mountainside as out on the terraces.

Many homes on the low city are also places of work. Each community is centred around a marketplace or plaza of some kind where trade takes place, and it is common for each household to have a dedicated space in their home for the creation of curation of whatever their specialty is. In this way trades are usually passed down through generations within a family as children are exposed to them very early on.

Free         Hi-Res (Traveller+)        Variants (Adventurer+)

Tales of Bharzul

Bharzul has many iconic landmarks and towering structures, but for most folk who live here these are merely a backdrop to routine everyday life. If you are passing through the city, make sure to take some time to wander the smaller streets and avoid the expensive, crowded tourist traps.

Free         Hi-Res (Traveller+)         Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds

Sky Islands 01

Sky Altar - These floating islands are the remnants of a technologically advanced ancient civilisation that has since left the world or died out. Their original use is unclear, but some of the larger rocks are home to still functioning arcane tech. Beware however, as long dormant security measures can still be activated by the overly curious.

Sky Arena - These arenas were used to test the physical prowess of the ancient civilisation's best warriors. They were not for spectacle however. The warriors would ascend alone using one of the levitating platforms on either side and success or failure would be determined by whether or not they returned.

Sky Pools - These islands hover hundreds of feet above the ground, and also above most clouds, so it is a mystery what the source of the flowing water is. Perhaps they originate in another plane of existence and are still connected in some way. It has been observed that the water has healing properties, but these effects are lost once the water is removed from the pools.

Sky Ruins - Visible remnants of what were mostly likely dwellings still stand on some of the larger floating islands. Although they have clearly not been inhabited by people for a very long time, they can still provide some shelter from the high winds that often pick up at this altitude.

Free         Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Characters of Samarahd 01

Zenit Thar - Zenit Thar is a former trader who made his wealth primarily through business loans and now runs the Caravanserai in Samarahd. It is believed by many that he holds some sway over the Tajir, perhaps due to debts owed or secrets held.

Heiman Taruro - Heiman is a strong and dependable, if somewhat fierce, character who is known for getting a job done no matter the hardship. Despite this he treats his workers well and expects nothing of them he wouldn't do himself. More often that not he can be found at the bottom of the deepest, toughest mine shaft finding a way through with his pick-hammer in hand.

Director Saeda - Director Saeda is a chameleon of a woman who can transform herself through brilliant use of costuming, make up and acting. Few people have any ideas what she truly looks or even sounds like as it changes wildly from day to day. The only constants are her vibrant purple eyes that seem to pierce directly into the soul.

This illustration was created by Rixt Heerschop for Tom Cartos -

Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Bharzul Water Wheel Exterior Scene

Water Wheels like this one are located throughout the city. They provide power for a number of mechanical tasks, such as powering the elevators that connect the different levels. Most of the smaller wheels are privately owned, but the largest are designed and operated by the Machinists Guild on behalf of the people.

Free         Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos - https://www.artstation.com/nonato

Zonai Devices Asset Pack - 55 New Assets (Free) - While making my Tears of the Kingdom inspired 'Sky Island' battlemaps this month, I decided to make some fan-art tokens of various devices in the game that can be used for constructing vehicles, as well as some 'autobuild' vehicles ready to go. Whether you are playing a Legend of Zelda type setting or not, I hope you can have some fun with these!

Please note this is unofficial fan art and not endorsed by Nintendo in any way.

Meat & Cheese Asset Pack - 225 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack is 'Meat & Cheese' themed. Combine it with these other packs to prepare a feast for your players!

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.29 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month!

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Premium 5e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Arcane Aftershock by Alex LeFort (Level 4-6)
An intrepid inventor and operator of a local water mill has plunged it into chaos after his attempted fusion of magic and mechanical engineering went haywire. Ephemeral, semi-sentient coalescences of arcane energy now occupy the factory, overloading its mechanisms and threatening to irreparably damage its components. Can the party intervene to clean up the mess made by the mill’s operator? 

Dungeons & Lairs #82: Dinosaur Plains by DMDave (Levels 3, 5, 8, or 11)
The plains have long been home to dinosaurs and Jurassic lizardfolk, but more recently, humans have settled, and conflicts between the town of Timberholde have escalated to the destruction of a lizardfolk village.

Dungeons & Lairs #84: Cyclops and Chimera Fort by DMDave (Levels 3, 5, 8 or 11)
Dastardly monsters take hold of the fort that controls access to a rich river valley. Can your party drive them out in time?

Free Adventures (Free)

Dungeons & Lairs #82: Dinosaur Plains by DMDave (Level 3)
The plains have long been home to dinosaurs and Jurassic lizardfolk, but more recently, humans have settled, and conflicts between the town of Timberholde have escalated to the destruction of a lizardfolk village. 

Dungeons & Lairs #84: Cyclops and Chimera Fort by DMDave (Levels 3)
Dastardly monsters take hold of the fort that controls access to a rich river valley. Can your party drive them out in time?



Fire Hill Giant Chief Gun BBEG - (Free) - Free Chief Gun Token with 5 variants

These tokens will also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Man O’ Wheel for 5e & PF2E

Equipped with two headlights, comfortable seating for one medium or two small creatures, and dual wheels that rise above the user, this machine is a formidable sight. It is constructed entirely from repurposed parts of a Drudgework Chariot and maintains some of the functionalities from its previous configuration. wearer of the pack. While it functions like a normal backpack, it has much more to offer for those that strap it to themselves.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

Drudgework Chariot for 5e & PF2E

One of the first machines built to tackle transportation in Bharzul was a mechanized horse. Horses pose their own troubles in accessibility though. Individuals with limited mobility found these horses difficult if not impossible to utilize. Rather than throwing out the difficult work that had been put into perfecting a semi-intelligent horse construct that could navigate the city, they set about making the horses more accessible and found success in mounting a rideable chariot-style cart in the back.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

TC Modern is my new Patreon with modern themed Battlemaps and Assets! Over on TC Modern I am releasing 2 full modern themed map sets and an asset pack every month, with the potential for more as we grow. If you are familiar with my content, then you will know what to expect. There is also Foundry, DungeonDraft and Moulinette Cloud integration for higher tier patrons.

Dive Bar

Free     Hi-Res (Traveller+)      Variants (Adventurer+)     Foundry (Globetrotter+) 

High School

Free     Hi-Res (Traveller+)      Variants (Adventurer+)     Foundry (Globetrotter+) 

Garden Shed Asset Pack  (Explorer+) - 114 New Assets

High School Asset Pack (Explorer+) - 102 New Assets

DungeonDraft Asset Packs July 2023 (Explorer+)

These Scenes & Assets will also be added to Moulinette Cloud



Maia Wilson

Do you have any maps that fit well within the Eberron setting? Magitech? Similar to the Harry Potter setting. Or settings that are Urban Fantasy? (Okay read about TC Modern, very cool! I'll have to make my way there if I ever run a game within a Modern setting)

Donald Hoffman

Eberron themed maps would be awesome!! I can imagine Tom making a map of the Sharn districts.