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Hi everyone!

As the title of this post says I am going to be making some changes to the way I charge for posts on Patreon starting in September (next month). I will go into detail more below, but TLDR -  I will be increasing to 5 charged posts per month (currently 4), but you can opt out if you wish by capping your pledge. Base tier prices will stay the same.


This month marks 4 years since I started this Patreon, and in that time I have only increased my prices once, 3 years ago. It has always been very important to me that my content is as accessible as possible, and I am proud to say I have some of the lowest prices available for the type of content I make.

However, during that time, and especially in the last 12 months, cost of living has increased globally. I am very fortunate to be in a position where I can employ or hire more than 10 people on a monthly basis, and in order to ensure they are fairly paid for their work and receive a liveable wage, I have steadily increased the amount I pay them during that time. In order to continue to do so, and to be able to hire more people in the future to make even more content, I need to increase how much Patreon is earning each month.

When I started creating the Into the Wilds maps, they were fairly rough and quick maps that I could make in an hour or two using pre-existing textures and assets, so I decided to release them as a free bonus reward. Now I typically spend as long or longer making the Into the Wilds maps than I do with my regular map sets, and many of you have told me you use them more than any of my other content. I feel like they have increased in value over time, and I hope you agree with my decision to start charging for them.

So How Will This Work?

My Patreon is on the 'per creation' model, which means you are charged your pledge amount (generally $1, $3 or $5) once for every 'paid' post I release. Up until now I have only ever charged a maximum of 4x per month, generally for my larger Map Sets, Illustrations and Token Packs. I also release the Into the Wilds maps, Asset Packs, DungeonDraft packs, Adventure Modules, Magic Items, Custom Creatures, BBEG tokens and more every month with no additional charge.

I have always preferred the per creation model, because it allows you (the patrons) to choose how much you want to contribute and how much you can afford by placing a cap on your pledge if you need to without losing access to any of the content.

Starting next month (September) I will begin charging one additional time, for the Into the Wilds map bundle, meaning an uncapped pledge will be charged 5x their pledge amount. For example, if you are currently at the Adventurer tier ($3) with no cap, you are usually charged 4x$3=$12 (+VAT depending on your country). Starting in September that would rise to 5x$3=$15.

I could instead raise the base prices of my tiers and continue charging 4 times per month, but by keeping the base prices the same and increasing the number of charges, you will have much more control over what you want to pay.

What If I Don't Want To Pay More?

The beauty of the 'per creation' system is that you can opt out if you wish. If you can't afford to pay any more than you currently do, or simply don't want to, you can go to your Membership Tab (at the top of the feed on my page):

Click on the pencil icon on the top right of your pledge tier to edit your membership settings:

and set a monthly pledge limit:

I would ask that if you can afford to pay the additional charge and feel it is worth the cost, then please keep your settings as they are. If you already have a monthly limit set, then you will continue to be charged as usual with no additional cost.

Thank You!

As always, my eternal thanks to all of you for supporting me. I will continue to ensure I am providing the best possible content that I can.

If you have any questions or concerns about any of this, please leave a comment or send me a message.




You and your team deserve more for what you do! Your not wrong about having some of the lowest prices around and it's commendable.

Alexandru Pîntea

Times are changing inflation,growing team etc. I don't see any reason not to keep supporting you as long as I can. Good on you for fair employment of people and also for the clear communication towards us.

Maia Wilson

Do you have any maps that fit well within the Eberron setting? Magitech? Similar to the Harry Potter setting. Or settings that are Urban Fantasy? (Okay read about TC Modern, very cool! I'll have to make my way there if I ever run a game within a Modern setting)