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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In April we released -

  • 126 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 7 Illustrations
  • 449 Assets
  • 9 Tokens
  • 3 5E Adventures
  • 6 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Magic Item

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).


Tower of Isolation

Separated from the city by narrow skybridges are four watchtowers, unofficially known to most of the population as the Towers of Isolation. This is due to the fact that the guard companies that man them stay in the tower for months at a time with no outside contact, aside from reports to senior military officials sent via spell.

The towers act as outposts, able to see out past the mountains and spot any approaching threats long before they arrive. Numerous ballistae and other contraptions atop the towers are able to take down any aerial invaders with extreme precision.

They are also positioned to be able to fire into the city if it ever became necessary. If the walls were breached and streets overrun, they would be able to continue the fight unimpeded. This makes them the cities first and last line of defence, and it is for this reason they are so secluded. Were any of them to be compromised it would greatly harm the cities defensive capabilities.

Free           Hi-Res (Traveller+)           Variants (Adventurer+) 

Water Wheel

Water Wheels like this one are located throughout the city. They provide power for a number of mechanical tasks, such as powering the elevators that connect the different levels. Most of the smaller wheels are privately owned, but the largest are designed and operated by the Machinists Guild on behalf of the people.

This particular Wheel is operated by Nasi Laguzol. He is the youngest member of the guild to have ever been promoted to Wheelwright, due to his keen mind. He has already designed many improvements and upgrades. However, Nasi believes his biggest contribution is yet to come. The Water Wheels are limited in their usefulness as they need to be in close proximity to whatever they are powering, and they can only manage a certain level of stress before failing.

Nasi believes that the immense energy potential created by the wheels can be stored by combining Mechanistry with Magic. This would revolutionise the city, creating stockpiles of energy ready to use whenever and wherever they are required. He is conducting the tests in secret from the guild though, as he is yet to stabilise the procedure and the Machinists tend to be very risk averse.

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+)          Variants (Adventurer+) 

Into the Wilds - Shops & Traders 03

Cartosier Jewellers - Cartosier is a well known maker of fine jewellery and ornaments, so much so that stores bearing his name and products exist in almost every major city. Every jeweller that works in his workshops is trained by the master himself. While all of the items on display are of the highest quality, the most valuable pieces are reserved for VIP customers in secure lockers. Appointments have to be made to even view them.

Solaire's Temple Services - Although not directly affiliated with any one religion or temple, Brother Solaire has managed to create a thriving business with his Temple Services locations. As well as selling all manner of holy items, reliquaries, arcane components and some general travelling goods, his temples also offer healing services. On the cheaper end is a good old fashioned clinic that uses bandages, splints and bed rest, but for those with a deeper pocket healing rituals can be performed to speed up the process. For the right price and in the right circumstances, they can even revive the recently deceased.

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Characters of Dorran 01

  • Archivist Venellum - Venellum created the Archivists Sanctum to house her vast collection of books and share them with the people of the city. The rarest and most precious books are kept within Venellum's inner sanctum, a private residence that sits atop the library, accessible only through knowledge of her transportation sigil (or a good set of climbing gear/wings). What exactly she is researching up there, no one is sure, but Head Librarian Trost has become concerned with her recent demeanour. The usually bright and excitable scholar has become withdrawn and spends more time talking to herself than to others.
  • Artor Cetasai - Artor Cetasai is outwardly a very gregarious fellow, well known for the lavish parties he throws in the Baleine Casino's ballroom. However, those who know him well would describe an astute businessman who only spends money when a return on investment is all but guaranteed. His parties and affable nature are simply a way to ensure the most influential and wealthiest socialites continue to spend money in the casino, and be seen doing so.
  • Count Essenheim - Count Essenheim is one of the wealthiest and most influential figures in Dorran. He serves as an advisor to the young Emperor and owns vast swathes of property. Many believe he also has close ties to the leading figures of the cities underground factions, playing both sides. The grand Essenheim Manor is his primary residence, but he can also often be found in his Musuem. He is a great hoarder of wealth, and most would consider him miserly and selfish, but highly intelligent. The count also has a secret that very few know.

Hi-Res (Traveller+)

Church of the Everlight Exterior Scene

A place or sanctity and tranquility, the Church of the Everlight  is open to the devout of all faiths, as well as those who follow none. The abbess Temerion and her priestesses offer kind words, support and when the need arises, healing of both the spirit and the body. Unfortunately the peace and quiet has been broken of late, and the women have been unable to give their sermons or perform their healing magic, so disturbed are they.

A few days ago, grave robbers broke into the crypts below the church, desecrating one of the tombs. Ever since, low groaning and an incessant 'thump.....thump.....thump' has been heard in the graveyard. The crypts use to be far more expansive, but a collapse has rendered parts of the tunnels inaccessible, and it seems the noise is coming from beyond.      

Free          Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos - https://www.artstation.com/nonato

Jewellers Store Asset Pack - 130 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack is 'Jewellers Store' themed. Dozens of pretty baubles for your adventurers to spend their gold on, or maybe steal to make some gold if they are lacking.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.26 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month! -

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Premium Adventures (Adventurer+)

Haunting of the Buried Shadow by Alex LeFort (Level 4-6)

When a minor earthquake unearths a long-forgotten dagger from its resting place beneath a family farmhouse, the spirits of its victims flock to the site to ensure that it may never be used again.

Dungeons & Lairs #70: Typhon's Temple by DMDave (Levels 8, 11, 14, or 17)

Typhon, the deadliest creature of the sea and the monster of monsters, has infiltrated one of Poseidon’s private temples and has begun to wreak havoc, causing turbulence in the surrounding waters. The characters are tasked with journeying to the temple to confront and defeat Typhon to save the temple from total destruction and restore peace to the area.

Dungeons & Lairs #76: Blue Dragon Plateau by DMDave (Levels 5, 8, 11, or 14)

The characters must enter the desert lair of a diabolical blue dragon, combat draconic minions, avoid dastardly traps, and circumvent other grim hazards.

Free Adventures (Free)

Dungeons & Lairs #76: Blue Dragon Plateau by DMDave (Levels 5)

The characters must enter the desert lair of a diabolical blue dragon, combat draconic minions, avoid dastardly traps, and circumvent other grim hazards.



Lantern King BBEG - (Free) - Free Lantern King Token with 6 variants

These tokens will also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Runerite’s Chisel for 5e & PF2E

The runerite’s halls are filled with the tinks and clinks of metal on stone. Each with their own purpose, no strike is to be wasted. The power to imbue the stones with magical glyphs to be used in times most needed is an opportunity to those that know how to listen to the stones, but as useless as a boulder to those that don’t speak their language.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

TC Modern is my new Patreon with modern themed Battlemaps and Assets! Over on TC Modern I will be releasing 2 full modern themed map sets and an asset pack every month, with the potential for more as we grow. If you are familiar with my content here, then you will know what to expect. There will also be full Foundry, DungeonDraft and Moulinette Cloud integration for higher tier patrons.

Retro Diner

Free     Hi-Res (Wayfarer+)     Variants (Explorer+)     Foundry (Globetrotter+) 

Gas Station

Free     Hi-Res (Wayfarer+)     Variants (Explorer+)     Foundry (Globetrotter+) 

DungeonDraft Asset Packs April 2023 (Explorer+)  

These Scenes & Assets will also be added to Moulinette Cloud



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