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Hello Adventurers!

I recently released the newest adventure by Alex LeFort - Haunting of the Buried Shadow 

This poll is to decide what the next adventure will be. The four choices are:

1 - Bandit Hideout - The Sheriff has been inundated with complaints about bandit raiders attacking trade caravans and travellers. Despite increasing patrols and searching the local area for signs of their camp, little progress has been made. Until the Sheriff can train more new recruits, they are looking for passing groups of adventurers to help out.

2 - ItW Caves 01 - A small village nestled into the foothills has been having issues with livestock going missing. There have been accusations thrown between rival farms about theft, but one farm hand swears they saw an enormous furred creature stalking the barns one night.

3 - Black Dragon Lair - The swamp extends for many miles in all directions. At some time in the past a great city stood here, but now all that remains are piles of rubble among the murky waters and fetid air. It is rumoured that below the ground some areas of the city are still intact and hold many treasures.

4 - Tower of Isolation - Separated from the city by narrow skybridges are four watchtowers, unofficially known to most of the population as the Towers of Isolation. This is due to the fact that the guard companies that man them stay in the tower for months at a time with no outside contact.

You can remind yourself of the maps and overview by clicking the links.

This Poll will end on Wednesday May 3rd



Wow, that's a difficult one. The Bandit Hideout fits seamlessly into every campaign which makes it probably the most useful to have. But then again, the Tower of Isolation is the coolest map you ever created and it would be amazing to have an adventure go with it. Then again again I think I'll have to go with the Black Dragon Lair because that's the one that got me the most exited when reading the description.