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Hey everyone!

Apropos of nothing (cough cough) I wanted to do a quick poll to see what your favourite non-D&D TTRPG systems are, or if you only play D&D at the moment, what other systems are drawing your interest.

In a world where we are no longer allowed to make Dungeons & Dragons compatible content, what would you like to see instead? What other systems do you think you will be running in 3, 6 or 12 months from now?

I can't list everything here, so if your favourite isn't on the list please let me know in the comments! I have only included options that are primarily fantasy/medieval/historical as they better fit the theme of my content, but if you are considering modern or futuristic themed games, also let me know in the comments.

Also please keep in mind that some of these systems also do not have an open license (yet) and/or may fall foul to the OGL revocation, so this poll will not be the only information we consider moving forwards, and we may do more polls as well. Whatever plans I make, I will always ensure it is what YOU want to see in YOUR games, and my maps, assets, illustrations and tokens aren't going anywhere!

To those of you already bored of this OGL nonsense, I am right there with you. We will get back to our regular schedule of cool stuff very soon, I have lots planned for this month and the coming year!



Rêve de Dragon - French game with excellent universe cosmology


Song of Swords is my favourite - realistic and lethal melee combat simulation while still being fun as hell. I think it's the only system (other than Riddle of Steel, which it's basically a more playable and fun unofficial sequel to) I've played with rules for things like using a mordhau grip and half swording, and they're actually impactful.


Shadow of the Demon Lord is pretty based, similar to 5e but a bit better on some aspects imo


I have been running PF2e for basically 3 years now and it is my favorite system. The rules are well defined and the three action system is so much slicker than the 5e system. I used to have a document I gave to my players to explain how I rule certain things at my table, just so we didn't have to stop for bargaining in the middle of the game. All the rules are free on the Archives of Nethys to check out, as well as on Foundry, which has amazing support on that VTT.

Michael Hermann

If the OGL goes away, I am not sure other OGL games, like PF1, are an alternative. Also, tokens and maps should be fine, which leaves adventures. I’d say Shadow of the Demon Lord / Shadow of the Weird Wizard, but out of those polled Savage Worlds, because Kobold/MCDM/DMDave are too unknown, we have no idea what they will be like

Ben Dimick

I haven't played any others enough to know, but OGL has me interested in others.


So I personally love PbtA systems, but they tend to not require maps, Pathfinder is great and uses largely the same maps you've already been doing but is still at risk at the moment, MCDM and Black Flag are both pretty low on details atm, but one system I'd absolutely love to see some maps for is Lancer! The larger hex grid layout and unique mecha combat system are seriously cool. If you did a couple asset packs of all the main mechs people would eat those up.

Brian Haber

Mutants & Masterminds 3E (modern/sci-fi maps & imagery). Call of Cthulhu too, but I could only pick one, and M&M is our primary.


Blades in the dark


My friends and I have been experimenting with Traveller while we wrap up our 3 year grand campaign (Call from the Deep from JVC Perry) on the Sword Coast. Pretty sure we will switch to that as the system is rich with content.


D20 Modern, though I haven't played it much or even DM'd it (yet) I enjoyed the fantasy alongside the more modern/futuristic stuff.


Neoclassical Geek Revival is a game with old-school sensibilities but not a retroclone, with some interesting ideas around dice mechanics and skills, built for gritty low-level gameplay. Mythras is an evolution of Runequest. And Hero System, similar to GURPS, offers amazing customization options for characters and very crunchy combat at the price of a metric ton of prep work.


Mythras Classic Fantasy, Pendragon/Paladin, Traveller, SWN


Symbaroum is one I'm super interested in right now, especially the unique way its setting and rules blend together. Other than that, PBTA systems are fun for me and my group to play, and I joined the kickstarter campaign for Monte Cook's Old Gods of Appalachia game which will run on the Cypher system, so I'm excited to dig into that.


Shadowrun (mainly SR1 and SR2 since I'm sucker for the 2050s era), Cyberpunk 20XX (2020 or RED primarily). Deadlands (and its Deadlands Noir expansion too). Dark Heresy (A 40K set up for the Genesys system). Vampire the Masquerade (the early 90s edition stuff has the better aesthetic vibe, I feel like). I also enjoy Call of Cthulhu, but since there was an Other option I figured I'd just drop in all the other ones too, hah.

David Eisinger

Worlds Without Number is my default fantasy system of choice these days. It's a nice bridge between modern d20 games and OSR - not as lethal as OSR, but much more in that camp than not. And Kevin Crawford makes some of the best, most useful GM tools in the business, and releases most of them in a free version that anyone should grab, even if they run something else.


Hello Tom ! I can tell you I use your content for my Pathfinder 2e sessions from the beginning. I have migrated the Astral Express for Foundry in french and Pathfinder 2e for Christmas and my two tables were enchanted with the story, the images and all the monsters. Migration of content between DnD5 and Pathfinder 2e is pretty easy.

James Thompson

Coyote and Crow, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Palladium Fantasy


Level up Advanced 5e, but also pf2e


castles and crusades


The Black Eye or DSA (German "Das schwarze Auge")


General Universal Role Playing System, I'm aging with GURPS, I always come back to it... that's love !


Only been into ttrpgs for the last year and a half or so. I've only played d&d 5e so far.


Night's Black Agents; Dread; Fear Itself; Vampire, the Masquerade.


Vampire, the Masquerade, and other WoD systems.


Malifaux Through the Breach


Chronique Oubliée Fantasy :) Simpler rules to focus on mastering !