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This months new magic item from Abyssal Brews is the Earthmovers, part of the Ruin & Rebuild series


Wondrous item (Gloves), very rare (requires attunement)

Magics that twist and manipulate the very earth on which we stand are classic, but finding ways to bind those magics to objects and allow anyone to shape them is more unique. These gloves are imparted with the same magics used to raise mighty earthen titans like marching citadels, albeit at a much smaller scale.

These gloves have a number of charges equal to the proficiency bonus of the creature that is attuned to them. During your turn, you can use an action to expend a number of charges of your choosing. Spent charges are regained after finishing a long rest and touching the gloves to earth. Each charge spent allows you to manipulate the earth around you in one of the following ways

Pillar. Choose a 5 ft. by 5 ft. area you can see within 30 ft. That area is immediately raised 10 ft. upward on an earthen pillar. Creatures standing in that area must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. The pillar lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it on your turn.

Wall. You mold a wall of earth and rock in an area you can see within 30 ft. The wall is up to 10 ft. wide and up to 5 ft. tall. It is always 1 foot thick. Medium and smaller creatures can take full cover behind it. Large creatures get half cover. The wall lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it on your turn.

Boulder. You form a boulder of earth and stone and fling it toward a creature. That creature must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 bludgeoning damage and be pushed 5 ft. away from you.


AbyssalBrews is a team of two creating elegant magic items, creatures, character options, and more for your 5E table. We release fully illustrated content weekly in tons of formats to fit your table whether physical or digital. We have dozens of items in our backlog that you get instant access to the moment you sign up. Let us take some of your prep work off your hands with our items and options.

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Ryan Rogers

Great creative play item! So as written, at high levels I could expend 6 charges and create a 60 foot pillar in one location, each forcing a dex saving throw? Or hurl 6 boulders at the same creature, again, forcing 6 saving throws, and potentially pushing them as far as 30 feet? I could instead blow all 6 charges and create the wall 30 feet tall but only 10 feet wide, by stacking the 6 charges worth walls on top of each other, right? All of those points are within 30 feet of me if I'm putting the wall up right next to me. I don't think this is OP by any means since the effects are rather mild; I'm simply making sure this was the intent, since there are no limits on the number of charges that can be used in one action, and no requirement that it must be used on different features, or the features must target different targets or areas. If that is indeed the intent, I can see players having a field day with this item. There aren't a lot of mechanics where you can keep layering saving throws upon the same target, with one action, for good reason. ;-) To that end, this item could potentially be the ultimate Legendary Resistance burner. One action by one non-spellcaster could get a creature to easily blow through all 3. I can see players having a field day with this in standard 10 foot tall dungeon rooms. Pillar becomes Crushing Pillar lol. If they fail their save, they're prone on the ground (bad). if they make their save, they're crushed against the ceiling, because the item doesn't say they are shoved into a nearby location upon a successful save, and if they are still in the original location, and not prone, they are crushed against the ceiling.


I cant help but feel like given the scaling on these, they should be Uncommon, or Rare at most. They provide adequate utility, but the boulder toss is too low of damage to really compete with other options one can use for an action. The raised pillar has a similar problem where it being capped out at 10 ft. limits its usability quite a bit- especially when the range on the ability itself is only 30 ft. Oh and the DCs should probably be at least 15 for this level of item. Also, the boulder toss doesn't have a range listed, and most times something creates a physical wall or an obstacle such as a wall, they tend to have an HP and an AC listed in the descriptions akin to the "Wall of Stone" spell. If you want to keep the rarity, i'd recommend raising the boulder toss to at least 4d6 (but i'd probably go 6d6, given it is a charge-spending ability) and set its range to like 90 ft. I'd also raise the maximum pillar height to at least 20 ft., and double its range.

Jordan Beasley

Boulder throw has no range