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MANIFEST URL: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yzrhyavi3l36qjk/module.json?dl=1

I have taken on some additional help in the form of JRH Multimedia (more about them at the bottom of the post) in order to get all of the back catalogue converted to Foundry. This pack is the Tomb of Emun Rah from the Ancient Worlds series.

This Foundry module pack includes all of the maps and variants pre-setup with walls & lighting.

Installation instructions are included in a 'read me' file in the download package and can also be found here.

These scenes will be added to Moulinette Cloud at the end of the month.

Alternatively you can use the Manifest URL to install the module directly in the Foundry App. To use the Manifest URL:

  • Go to 'Add-On Modules' in the start up screen.
  • Select 'Install Module'
  • Copy/Paste the Manifest URL from above into the 'Manifest URL' box
  • Hit 'Install'

This Foundry Module was converted for Tom Cartos by JRH Multimedia. JRH Multimedia provide marketing and programming management for multiple RPG projects around the world, allowing the creators to concentrate on the more important business of making more content for you all to enjoy!

You will not be charged for this post



John Forrest

Ok, I have the module installed. Where do I find the maps now?

John Forrest

There doesn't appear to be a folder in the Default Compendiums the way that I am used to finding them

Erlend Aakre

I also had issues finding any compendiums with the actual scenes when using this module


Hi John, I just re-tested the pack and it is working as normal for me. There should be a folder in your compendiums tab under Scenes called 'The Tomb of Emun-Rah'. You can right click on that and 'Import all content' to get the maps onto your Scenes tab.


Hi Erlend, I just re-tested the pack and it is working as normal for me. There should be a folder in your compendiums tab under Scenes called 'The Tomb of Emun-Rah'. You can right click on that and 'Import all content' to get the maps onto your Scenes tab.


Let me know if it still isn't showing up there, and if so whether you used the Manifest, embedded download link or Zip download to access the pack from my post


Let me know if it still isn't showing up there, and if so whether you used the Manifest, embedded download link or Zip download to access the pack from my post


Ok, thanks for letting me know! This might be worth reporting to the Foundry discord as it is likely a bug on their end that was introduced with the newest stable version.

John Forrest

I used the manifest. I have checked and it is in none of my compendium folders. I uninstalled and reinstalled it and it still isn't showing up


Hi John, We think we have resolved the issue. The directory for the compendiums was named 'Packs' instead of 'packs' (Capital P) so if you are running Foundry on Linux or certain instances of macOS, the file path to load the compendiums does not register. I have just updated the module and re-uploaded it. Hopefully it will work now if you try again.downloading/installing it again.