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If you like this free artwork and want to help support me, you can sign up for one of my Patreon Tiers or make a small donation on Ko-Fi

This illustration is part of a new, ongoing series of fully hand painted scenes to help you set the scene for your players and add an extra level of immersion and atmosphere to your games.

I would love to know what you think, and which of my other existing maps you want to see painted scenes of in the future.

The Market Square is part of the Ostenwold series.
Patrons can get the hi-res day, night and characterless variants of this scene HERE
and the matching battlemaps that accompany it HERE 

This free version is 1920x1080 pixels @ 72dpi


Every town has a nucleus, a center point around which the settlement grows. The Market Square is a place where the community gathers once a month to trade goods, gossip and learn of news from the outside world. Fisher-folk from Dockside, Horst the local smith, the Beard and Barrel dwarf sisters, even Renée and her Ravishing Raiments. All the townsfolk come together on the day of the full moon to celebrate their shared home.


This piece was created by Eduardo Nonato. You can find more of his work here:

Artstation - https://www.artstation.com/nonato
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/eduardononato_art/

More Free Stuff

You can browse through the rest of my free content, including maps, asset and tokens HERE or just download all of it HERE




I can't seem to import the pre-built scene, it's missing the walls and lighting. Anybody else have this problem?