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This map set is part of the Samarahd series


The Emerald Palace was named for the mythical dragon that protects the city. Located on top of a hill on the northern edge of the largest of Samarahd’s oases, it overlooks the rest of the city and stands as a landmark visible from even outside the city’s walls. It has been rebuilt, expanded, and refurbished numerous times throughout Samarahd’s history, but has always been the home of the senate and lead council.

Most of the grounds are publicly accessible, but carefully watched. The palace gardens are one of the wonders of the desert, and many come to visit and sit among the lush greenery. The upper floor also contains the Library of Records, Hall of History and Samarahd Musuem which document the important people and events that have shaped the city over the last five centuries.

The lower floor is dug into the hill which the palace sits upon to protect the senate and provide a safe place for the populace to escape to if needed. The current Senate Chair, Emiri Cabier, is coming to the end of his five-year term as head of state and is hoping to preside over a fair election for his successor. However, he has heard rumours of a plot to tamper with votes but does not know who the perpetrators are or if there is any credence to the information. He is seeking a group of outsiders to covertly investigate some of his fellow senators and discover the truth.

Additional Information

Use the ZIP folder at the bottom of this post to download the free versions of these battlemaps for use in your TTRPG campaign. If you would like access to the high resolution, un-watermarked and gridless variants of this and other maps along with extra rewards, and would like to support me, check out my paid Patreon tiers!

Traveller Tier Patrons can access the High Resolution Print and VTT Day, Night & Gridless variants of this map, as well as detailed design notes HERE 

Higher Tier Patrons can get the Complete Variant set including Day, Night, Sandstorm, Clean, Simple & Transparent Tile variants HERE 

GRID SIZE – 68x44 (140DPI)
PIXEL SIZE – 9520x6160




Glad to see you representing the Lollypop Guild. Criminally underrated in fantasy rpgs.