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Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In March we released -

  • 61 Maps, Tiles & Variants 
  • 196 New Assets 
  • 86 Tokens
  • 4 Interior Illustrations
  • 3 5E Adventures
  • 5 Complete Foundry VTT Modules 

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).


Fire Temple

Like all of the temples in Samarahd, the Temple of Fire is not dedicated to any particular deity but is a place of worship for those who feel a particular draw to its power. Many of those are makers or creators, who feel kinship with the process of destruction and rebirth. It is also common in the city for temples to provide community services. 

The fire temple is situated in the heart of the Sinaea District, where the artisans and craftspeople of the city live and work. It houses an enormous communal smelter and forge for those who work with metal and the ores mined from in and around Samarahd.

The forge is heated by a pool of molten rock below the temple. It is said that it was created during the great battle by the Emerald Dragon and has remained ever burning. For this reason, shrines to the dragon made of precious metals can be found throughout the temple and the district.

Free          Hi-Res (Travellers+)            Variants (Adventurer+) 

Meraj Theatre

The Meraj Theatre is the centre piece of the entertainment district that shares its name. The open-air sunken amphitheatre holds shows thrice daily, varying from dramatic plays to magical light shows to full orchestral suites. All of these experiences are funded by the city and are completely free to the public (so long as you can get a seat).

The theatre is run by Director Saeda, a chameleon of a woman who can transform herself through brilliant use of costuming, make up and acting. Few people have any ideas what she truly looks or even sounds like as it changes wildly from day to day. The only constants are her vibrant purple eyes that seem to pierce directly into the soul.

Free          Hi-Res (Travellers+)            Variants (Adventurer+) 

Legend of Vox Machina (Free)

Archivist Sanctum Interior Scene

The Sanctum Library was created by Archivist Venellum to house her extensive personal collection of histories, religious texts, creature codices, arcana and pulp fiction. Most of the archives are open to the public (for a fee), although some of the more dangerous tomes are kept under lock and key and require special permits to view.

Anyone is free to visit, so long as they are clean, can afford entrance, and most importantly follow the first rule of the Sanctum - Absolutely No Talking! Those who break the rule will fall foul of the wrath of Head Librarian Trost who sits at the front of the reading room, surveying all.

Free          Hi-Res Variants (Traveller+) 

Fire Temple Asset Pack (Builder+)
44 assets including a collection of colourful tents and flags to create a wandering settlement on your worlds plains and deserts.

Glowing Gems Asset Pack (Builder+)
60 assets including a collection of multi-coloured 'glowing gems'.

Desert City Furnishings (Builder+)
74 assets including a collection of previously unreleased assets used in my Samarahd series maps.

Legend of Vox Machina Asset Pack (Free)
18 assets specially created for the LoVM series of maps

DungeonDraft MegaPack Version 1.13 (Builder+) 

Free At Last by Tavern Tales (5th level)

When a traveling merchant loses a priceless family heirloom to a band of highwaymen, the adventurers are asked to pursue the bandits into the ruin- filled forest of Kensinghead to retrieve it. Unfortunately for the bandits, the priceless heirloom is in fact an imprisoned devil that they have now accidentally set free.

By the time the party catches up with the bandit leader, they'll find that they have an entirely different problem on their hands.


Oni Palace by DMDave (Multi Level)

An oni with a taste for powerful mortals has taken control of the Zandougong sect, a prestigious martial arts group located deep within a secluded mountain range. Safe within his heavily guarded palace, he only interacts with other members of the sect, each a powerful warrior who has proven themself through trials and combat. None of the members of the sect know that their leader was replaced by an oni a few years ago and are fanatically loyal to him.

Free          Adventurer+ 

Rust Monster Mine by DMDave (Multi Level)

A newly excavated mine has attracted a number of rust monsters who’ve begun to feast on its riches. The characters must enter the mine and save all that sweet, sweet metal—they may even come out of it with a small business!

Free          Adventurer+ 

Scenes (Forgemaster+)

Adventure Modules (Forgemaster+)



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